View Full Version : ( - SOE) - SOE Gamer of the Month ? May 2012 - 05-02-2012 07:31 PM

05-03-2012, 02:01 AM

SOE has tons of gamers around the world! Every month, we highlight some of the most outstanding and helpful members of the community as the SOE Gamer of the Month. This month we are pleased to introduce Evilpig from PlanetSide.

Virrago, Community Manger from PlanetSide, why has Evilpig been chosen as this month’s SOE Gamer of the Month?

Evilpig is a valued member of the PlanetSide community.* He engages new and returning players so they feel welcomed and valued.

Now, let’s meet Evilpig!


Where in the real life world do you live?*

Northern California, about 1 hour from San Francisco (Higby and I are both from SF).

What SOE Game(s) do you play?

I started with SOE by beta testing Star Wars Galaxies, but lost any interest in it once I started testing PlanetSide. I also beta tested Everquest II.

How long have you played the above games?

I have played PlanetSide for 9 years.

What other games do you play?

Currently, World of Tanks, Tribe Ascend and Modern Warfare 3. I have played other shooters through the years, including most Call of Duty titles, Battlefield Vietnam and 2142, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein, amongst others. I’m a competitive person and enjoy playing against other players. If not #1 at the end of a match, I’m usually at least in the top 3. I also play Madden and was one of the top ranked robot builders in a “game” called Roboforge, where you built virtual robots and programmed them to battle in online tournaments.

What type of work do you do?

I work at a middle school handling discipline matters. I also investigate crimes and incidents that occur on campus. I really enjoy working with kids. It keeps life’s perspective fresh. While I do see a lot of very sad situations, it is rewarding to be able to connect and help many of them. I also work as a Loss Prevention Officer during the offseason. Basically, I arrest shoplifters. It’s a ton of fun, as I get chase people and when they attempt to fight I get to use my physical skills and training. I guess this falls in with my competitiveness.

How many hours a week do you play video games?

My gaming time has decreased in recent years, as I have a 3 year old running around the house now. So, with some fluctuation, I’d say 25-40 hours. Every other weekend my son leaves to visit his mother and that’s when I really get my game on! I blast Metal while playing.

What does a typical gaming session consist of?

Interesting question! For PlanetSide, the first thing I do is look at the Global Map and assess the situation. Then I check on my outfit’s operations and see who is where. In the 666th, we encourage leadership. So, I generally won’t attempt to take over unless we really need to make an adjustment at the time. I guess the easy answer to your question is “ownage”. I get in the fight as soon as possible. Sometimes I go on my solo terrorist operations and wreak havoc in enemy bases. I do this by use of the Infiltration Suit with which I stealthily gain entry into an enemy base. Once inside, I set Boomer (explosive) traps and kill enemies. Once they know I am there, they get caught up in pursuing me, which just draws them into more Boomer traps. The more they chase me, the more they die. It’s tons of fun. Once they kill me, their relief is brief, as I come right back and start all over again.

In the SOE Games you play, what do you play? Race/Class/Rank/Faction/etc…

In PlanetSide, I play all Empires and all combat roles. My primary outfit (clan), The 666th Devil Dogs, is on the New Conglomerate (empire) and originated on the Markov Server.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?*

I have loved gaming since my father brought home a Pong system in early 1976. Since then, I have owned many consoles throughout the years, but I didn’t get onto the online scene until about 2002. Until then, I mostly played games, such as Madden, Goldeneye, Turoch Rage Wars and of course the Zelda series. I also was pretty big on fighting games in the arcade and travelled to different cities to compete. This was mostly Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. Once I got online, I started playing WWII Online and competing in the World Pro Tournaments on Roboforge. I Beta tested some games here and there and played a variety of shooters. Once I got into the PlanetSide Beta, that overtook most of my game time.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing Video Games?

I used to enjoy a variety of physical challenges. Weight lifting, biking and Judo. Now a days, I am more of a home body and spend time with my 3 year old son, Tony. Of course, he is interested in my computers and likes to play online games for toddlers. It’s shocking how he can open the browser and set up his online puzzle games. In two years he will begin attending a series of martial arts schools and of course he will be allowed to game. Look for SONofEVILPIG in coming games!!

What is your highest level character?

EVILPIG, New Conglomerate PlanetSide. One of the game’s original Command Rank 5’s.


What do you like the most about your favorite SOE Game?

The best thing about PlanetSide is that it is so open ended. What players do is not decided by the game mechanics. Any individual player or group of players can decide to go wherever they wish and do whatever they want. This leaves some players a bit lost, but those with the imagination, the drive and the discipline to organize and go after their goals can accomplish whatever they aspire to. There is that quote, “Rome is the mob” and so is PlanetSide. The players dictate the action and it is up to them to pull together to achieve victory. Real leadership is a rare quality. Some understand the strategy, but do not know how to communicate to the masses. Some are deadly on the battlefield, but cannot lead by example. Some do not even want to be leaders, but do have the drive to contribute to the best of their ability. It’s when players recognize that they need each other and pull together to take on adversity that you see the true beauty of PlanetSide. It makes every victory all the sweeter.

How did you choose your main character’s name?*

When I signed up to play WWII Online I really wanted the name Warpig. However, I was coming in late in the game and of course, it just wasn’t available. One of my friends quickly cycled some logic, like, “war can be considered evil, and you want to be a pig” and derived EVILPIG from it. I played the heck out of WWII Online, playing to be a Brigadier General in the French Army, so when I started the PlanetSide Beta, it had grown on me.

What is your favorite zone?*

I have always loved Cyssor and at times have said, “Cyssor is PlanetSide”. It’s just so huge and offers a variety of terrain. From its hills and valleys, its rivers and lakes, the long bridges, the forests and of course, Mt. Cyssor, which reaches into the stratosphere, high above the flight ceiling.

What is your favorite NPC?*

I’m pretty fond of the holographic target drones in the Virtual Training Room in Sanctuary, but it’s hard to choose one. But seriously, I love this question because I get to point out for those who may not be familiar with PlanetSide that there are no NPCs. PlanetSide is entirely populated by other gamers. You must pit your mind and your twitch against human intellect.

What is the most in-game currency you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?*

I don’t recall purchasing any particular items, but I do spend money on Free-to-Play games. Usually when I try a FTP game out, at some point I decide whether the game has given me an experience worthy of my money. If I decide it has, I’ll pony up. I have already stocked up on about $100 in Station Cash in anticipation of PlanetSide 2.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?*

I have some enemy knives in my locker from a time when a glitch allowed players to find them. It was a feature the original developers put in for consideration, but removed before players saw it for balance reasons. The fact that they are so rare and well, forbidden fruit, make them special to me.

Describe your best experience from playing your favorite SOE Game?

Wow, now that is a tough question! The entire experience has been fantastic. Overall, PlanetSide has allowed me to connect with gamers from around the world. I have been privileged with interacting with and getting to know so many other gamers, and count many of them amongst my friends. From the times that we had 150 members on Teamspeak, coordinating like a well oiled machine, to the slow times in the later years, when it would be just me and one friend starting our own fights. I’ve had such great times. I could ramble on all day about so many things, but again, the overall experience has been special. The best part of having played PlanetSide, is having been there. I was there, and I will be there for the future of the game in PlanetSide 2.

You really went above and beyond when you created your PlanetSide Outfit (clan). What got you started? Can you tell us about what you do?

During Beta, I immediately recognized the potential PlanetSide had to offer.* I wanted to be sure that I was a part of something big, well run, and that promoted a good philosophy.* The only way I could ensure this was to form my own outfit.* Cogburn and I got the show going and by the end of beta we had 600 active members.* Needless to say, at Launch, we hit the ground running.

The 666th is built on a foundation based on our philosophy of promoting a fun, friendly gaming environment.* It is important that as gamers, we not only lift each other up as outfitmates, but the entire community.* We’re all in this together and we rely on each other to have fun.* What fun would the game be without our opponents?* As a Judoka, my coach taught us the Judo way and used the phrase, “Shining together”.* As a gaming community, we can shine together as well and make the PlanetSide experience unforgettable.

The 666th offers our members the experience of being a part of a Combined Arms effort.* We organize into divisions, such as infantry, armor, and air, and coordinate those forces onto our targets.* We teach our players how to communicate and problem solve the challenges that an ever evolving battlefield presents.* Drawing influence from real life strategists and tactics, and adapting those principals to a game environment, we play to win.* If we fail, we’ll learn from it and will still be having a blast as we continue to fight the hard fight!

The 666th outfit fell onto the radar of Gamespot.com and was featured on their webshow, Gamespotting (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woqAJBGqppI&feature=youtu.be).

We were proud to bring some publicity to the game we love so much.

We have also always been involved with the developers of the game, as we offer our services to help with any projects.* We provided man power to film The Bending and Aftershock trailers for PlanetSide, as well as contributing to several events.

For our contributions to the PlanetSide community, our outfit was awarded it’s own in game Merit Commendation, which we were allowed to design.* I was also recognized for my own contributions to PlanetSide and was named an SOE Player of the Year in 2007.

We are determined to continue our efforts to promote the PlanetSide community and have some projects in the works for PlanetSide 2.* Look for the 666th Devil Dogs (http://www.planetside-devildogs.com/) on the battlefield and remember, FREEDOM is our FUTURE!!


We hope you enjoyed meeting this month’s SOE Gamer of the Month! This feature highlights a special community member each month as the SOE Gamer of the Month, if you would like to be considered or know someone who is worthy of this honor check out this link. (http://forums.station.sony.com/station/posts/list.m?topic_id=11500041235) You can also meet all of the past SOE Gamers of the Month at this link (http://forums.station.sony.com/station/posts/list.m?topic_id=11500041235).

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