View Full Version : ( - SOE) - SOE Interviews 2nd Winner of the E3 Platinum Gamer Sweepstakes - 06-19-201

06-20-2012, 02:01 AM
By Donna “Danicia” Prior

The Community Team recently ran the “E3 Platinum Gamer” sweepstakes to give away 10 passes to E3. We managed to spend some time with one of the winners, Ice_Hole of OMG Im Drunk! Below is the interview we snagged, for your enjoyment!

What was your thought behind entering the Platinum Gamer E3 pass giveaway? Did you think you’d have a chance of winning?

Ice: Someone had to win.* But no, never even considered that I would actually be one of the lucky ones.* And even better yet, I was actually able to take the time off of work, which was even more unlikely.*

What was the most exciting thing about visiting E3?

Ice: Mostly seeing a few of my industry friends, but also having a chance to check out a few games I was interested in (PlanetSide 2 being the one that impressed me the most), and a few that took me by surprise (Wizardry being the biggest in that category, I mean what isn’t to like about a perma-death mmo?).* Oddly enough, both SoE games.


What were your favorite games you saw/played?

Ice: I went into this briefly in my comment above, but I was even more impressed with PlanetSide 2 than I expected to be.* The combat was more strategic than I expected, with less emphasis on twitch based skill, while still maintaining the FPS feel very nicely.* Can’t wait to see hundreds of people in an all out brawl for control.

What was your favorite game in the SOE booth?

Ice: Since I talked about PlanetSide, I will go into Wizardry.* There was not a lot of information about the game at E3.* Just that the game had a death system for the characters, in an all out PvP realm [Editor’s note – Wizardry is primarily PvE, with PvP options].* What intrigued me most was how much fun I had playing door games and MUDs many years ago with the same sort of systems in place.* Death hurts, why should it not hurt in a video game?* I see some potential for the game to be a good niche MMO, for players who enjoy PvP and risk based games.* It is something you don’t see very often in the fantasy MMO genre.*

What was your key takeaway about entering the contest & attending E3?

Ice: Be careful choosing a restaurant in Korea town.* Apparently the letters on the wall actually do mean something.


Jessica Nigri (Chainsaw Lollipop cosplay model) is even more beautiful in person than in pictures.* So much so in fact, that I have NO CLUE what the game was actually about.* (What, you mean there was a game?)*

I would like to thank all the people over at SoE for the opportunity to attend E3 as their guest.* And for all their hospitality.

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