View Full Version : ( - SOE) - SOE Community Webcast Recap: EverQuest II – Qeynos Rises - 07-23-2012 04:2

07-23-2012, 09:31 PM
SOE Community Webcast Recap: EverQuest II – Qeynos Rises


Check out the video of our webcast, “EverQuest II – Qeynos Rises” Webcast! Smokejumper, Cronyn and Kaitheel really get into the intrigue, politics and quests surrounding Qeynos with the upcoming update. Don’t miss the teasers they let slip about future plans! (originally aired on July 24/12)

EverQuest II YouTube Channel (http://youtu.be/IrqzuAD9haM)

Keep an eye on*Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/SOE)*or on*Twitch*TV (http://www.twitch.tv/sonyonlinetv)*for webcast announcements!

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