View Full Version : ( - SOE) - SOE Gamer of the Month – October 2012 - 10-03-2012 01:48 PM

10-03-2012, 08:16 PM
SOE has tons of gamers around the world! Every month, we highlight some of the most outstanding and helpful members of the community as the SOE Gamer of the Month. This month we are pleased to introduce the team of*DashnZee from Bullet Run (http://www.bulletrunthegame.com).

Danicia, Community Manager from Bullet Run, why have DashnZee been chosen as this month’s SOE Gamer of the Month?

I first noticed the pair when they submitted a video for the SOE Live Excitement project. Alas, we can’t use it, since it has game play, but it was well done! They have some great ideas regarding the Community and how to promote it better. Since I’ve recently taken over the Bullet Run Community, it seemed natural to highlight some of our members!

Time for you to meet Dash n’ Zee!


Where in the real life world do you live?</em>

RD: Greeley, Colorado. I’ve been here a month, going to college, but before that was stationed at 29 Palms, California, deployed to Afghanistan, had some good drunken times in Thailand and the Philippines, and spent some years in Okinawa, Japan. This will be the first time in my entire life that I will have stayed in a single city for four years.

Z: Foristell , MO, A small town 45 Min away from St. Louis

How long have you played Bullet Run?

RD: I have been playing for about a month.

Z: Since it hit Steam, or at least a week after it was put out.

What other games do you play?

RD: Some of my favorite games come from Bethesda, though I spend a lot of time playing games from the Total War series and moderating a Black Ops server on which I am a minor admin.

Z: I really love games like Fallout and Dead space, Bullet run is really my first Experience in an MMO FPS.

What type of work do you do?

RD: I just EASed (End of Active Service) from the Marine Corps, where my MOS was 1141 Electrician. I did a lot of journeyman courses and was very proficient within my billet, but did a myriad amount of other tasks throughout the years. This is my second month as a civilian, and now I’m attending college full-time.

Z: I work at Panera bread, cleaning the dining room and washing dishes. I’m also currently enrolled in Community College.

How many hours a week do you play video games?

RD: I play at least two or three hours a day when I’m not studying or working on personal projects.

Z:* Well, at least 4 hours a night so around 28 Hours most likely. Really depends on what I feel like playing.

What does a typical gaming session consist of?

RD: Killing. Lots of killing.

Z: In Bullet Run: getting killed, getting into the groove, joking around, getting mocked by Dash, hearing Dash complaining about how he sucks when he is the in the top place, screwing around because we got bored. You know, the usual.

In Bullet Run, what’s your favorite role/build?

RD: Though I love the automatic weapons, my favorite setup is to have an ALR with hollow point ammunition paired with a fully automatic G17. It allows for deadly accuracy to be combined with the capability of recklessly rushing forward to an enemy hiding behind cover and living to tell the tale.

Z: Well, I started out with a sniper rifle so that I could get kills from afar, but I evolved into Spray ‘n’ Pray because my connection gets laggy*occasionally* Now that I have a more reliable connection, I use a Black M4 assault and a DE with a red dot for long range.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?

RD: Gaming was not something I was enthusiastic about until I first received the privilege of a private internet connection at the age of 17 and discovered the MMORPG Runescape. It was there that I became enthralled by the availability of people with similar interests and an accessible community, with the sense of achievement that is granted when the player finally gets that carrot on the end of the stick, with the fact that whenever I was overwhelmed by troubles, there was a virtual refuge in which I could become immersed.

Z: Well, I don’t know what got me into gaming; I kind of grew up with it. My parents tell me that, as a child, I would sit at the computer and play Wheel of Fortune for hours, I never even knew what I was doing. I would also play Frogger excessively, and even got my PS2 taken away for playing Grand Theft Auto 3 too much. Don’t even get me started on the amount of hours I’ve logged on Pokémon over the years. I’m just a gamer through and through.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing video games?

RD: My favorite thing to do is longboarding. It’s my only means of transportation at the moment (my bicycle was stolen!), and I couldn’t be happier. The wind washes over me when I increase speed, carving back and forth feels like dancing, and skating in the road is like playing real life Frogger.

Z: Up till this year when I graduated High school, I played trumpet in the marching band. Best years of my life, I would recommend it to everyone. Other than that, there isn’t much I do other then camping from time to time.


What is your highest level character?

RD: All of my characters are maxed out in all the games I have.

Z: My Synth, Zomaru, is lvl 50, other than that I don’t use any alts.

What do you like the most about Bullet Run?

RD: The fact that it is a free to play platform that offers as much potential for fun as other contemporary titles that cost more than I spend in two weeks (aside from bills).

Z: What I love most about BR is it’s Run n’ Gun, not time to stop game play. You are on the edge of your see either raging or cheering the entire game.

How did you choose your main character’s name?

RD: Rainbow Dash is best pony. Since I’m not Rainbow Dash, but am quite dashing, I became -melodramatic voice- Rainbow’s Dash!

>Z: There is a very long story behind the name Zomaru Ishegura, and many people have made a connection to Dead Space 1, but oddly enough the name Ishegura has nothing to do with the U.S.G. Ishimura. Zomaru is, quite simply, the name I have given to the gamer in me.

What is your favorite map?

RD: Oilrig. With its multi-storied abundance of corners, platforms, and choke points, it allows one to play in any style, with any weapon, from the sniper rifle to the scatter-gun.

Z: This is a tough one. I like the new Island map, because you can get behind people, but I also love the corners in Drain. So It has to be one of those two. Hard to decide.

What is the most in-game currency you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?

RD: I bought the Black MP5 and three attachments for it, so somewhere around 110k.

Z: I just spent almost 80k on the Black M4, and I’m not regretting it.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?

RD: The AUG, though its use is obsolete with the advent of those beautiful black weapons in my inventory, has iron sights that most closely represent those of the M16, a weapon with which I am too familiar, and whose front sight post is narrow enough for assault rifle sniping even with the O-2 sight up. I keep it in my classes just in case.

Z: My fishing hat, it was the first item I bought for my Synth, and, no matter how much I try, nothing else quite looks as good on his head.

Describe your best experience from playing your Bullet Run?

RD: Through this game I have met some very interesting people, and had I not started playing, DashnZeeGaming wouldn’t even be a concept. There is such a wide variety of people that enjoy this game that it is nearly impossible not to create new and rewarding relationships with your fellow players. The community experience, something that is lacking in other first person shooters, is what really defines this game.

Z: My favorite experience playing Bullet Run is the first time I met my partner Dash: I was very surprised that there was a fellow brony (Person above the recommended age who likes the show My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic) playing the game, especially someone as open as him. We quickly clicked, and now look were we are.

Follow DashnZeeGaming on YouTube! (https://www.youtube.com/user/DashnZeeGaming)We hope you enjoyed meeting this month’s SOE Gamer of the Month! This feature highlights a special community member each month as the SOE Gamer of the Month. Going forward, winners are intended to be truly outstanding and valuable members of the community. As such, each month will be assigned to a specific game, and it will be up to that game’s Community Manager to identify appropriate players. If you would like to be considered or know someone who is worthy of this honor check out this link (http://forums.station.sony.com/station/posts/list.m?topic_id=11500041235). You can also meet all of the past SOE Gamers of the Month at this link (http://forums.station.sony.com/station/posts/list.m?topic_id=11500041235).

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