View Full Version : ( - SOE) - SOE art featured in new Spectrum 19 - 11-28-2012 07:05 PM

11-29-2012, 12:14 AM
SOE art featured in new Spectrum 19 Contemporary Fantastic Art annual and Imagine FX

By:*Joe “Rystall”*Shoopack *Director of Artistic Development

SOE has 2 selections featured in the newly released*art annual*Spectrum (http://www.spectrumfantasticart.com/) 19 (http://www.spectrumfantasticart.com/).

(http://www.soe.com/images/community/blogs/Spectrum19/spectrum19.jpg)Click for larger image

This annual celebrates the best contemporary fantasy art from the world’s top artists.* Lucas Graciano’s Temple Guardian and Aaron Miller’s Zoas the Wyrm are both from Legends of Norrath, and both were created in traditional media (oil on panel).* The November issue of ImagineFX* (http://www.imaginefx.com/home.aspx)includes interviews with Legends of Norrath artists Adam Cook, Mike Pedro, and Lucas Graciano which go into detail on how they create dragons; including the use of scale, anatomy, facial expression, and important subtle features.

(http://www.soe.com/images/community/blogs/Spectrum19/spectrum19.jpg)Temple Guardian*(click for larger image)

http://www.soe.com/images/community/blogs/Spectrum19/ZaostheWyrm_LON13_Final_sm.jpg (http://www.soe.com/images/community/blogs/Spectrum19/ZaostheWyrm_LON13_Final.jpg)
Zaos the Wyrm (click for larger image)

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