View Full Version : ( - SOE) - SOE Gamer of the Month ? December 2012 - 12-06-2012 04:59 PM

12-06-2012, 10:03 PM

Happy Holidays!* The weather outside might be frightful but we would like to meet some of the SOE gamers that live around the world! Every month, we highlight some of the most outstanding and helpful members of the community as the SOE Gamer of the Month. This month we are pleased to introduce Stabbas from Vanguard Saga of Heroes.

Zatozia Community Manger from Vanguard, why has Stabbas been chosen as this month’s SOE Gamer of the Month?

The Vanguard Development Team and I choose Stabbas because he is a trooper in the community!* He is great at finding and reporting bugs.* He always provides the details needed to reproduce them so that the issue can be tracked down and fixed.* He always provides solid feedback and is quick to report any issues he encounters.

Now, let’s meet Stabbas!


Where in the real life world do you live?*

Eastbourne – United Kingdom.

What SOE Game(s) do you play?

Vanguard Saga of Heroes.

How long have you played the above game(s)?

Since Beta

What other games do you play?

Battlefield 3, Formula 1 2011 and now 2012

What type of work do you do?

I work as an ICT Technician for local authority.

How many hours a week do you play video games?

The truth … Too many! I have a very lucky job where I can play from; but don’t tell my boss that.

What does a typical gaming session consist of?

Usually I group with friends/guild mates, help out new players in region chat with questions. I also hunt down in game bugs, while boxing my trio on some of the tougher content.

In the SOE Games you play what do you play? Race/class/Rank/Empire ect….

Goblin Rogue level 55, Orc Warrior level 55, and a Goblin Shaman level 55 (there’s just something about being green)

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?*

I got into gaming when my brother borrowed FIFA World Cup 98 from his mate. We spent countless hours playing. That then progressed into Counter Strike addiction followed by my first MMORPG EverQuest where myself and four friends started out on Vallon Zek Server back in 1999/2000.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing Video Games?

I love Mountain Biking, and still ride most weekends as well as riding an annual trip with friends. I also love Snowboarding and Formula 1 which I follow excessively.

If you could take one of your character abilities and use it in real life what would you choose and why?

The Rogue ability Escape, being able to vanish into the shadows would certainly be handy at work, being able to avoid getting stopped in the corridor when something is broken would be amazing.

What do you like the most about your favorte SOE Game?

Vanguard has many unique features, but the dungeons are one of my favorite aspects of Vanguard. Challenging, massive and rewarding.

How did you choose your main character’s name?*

It originates from my EverQuest character, but I cannot remember the reasoning behind the name, I guess it sounded roguish…

What is your favorite zone?*

Ruins of Trengal Keep, an amazing storyline with great historic lore on Thestra and things came to pass.

What is your favorite NPC?*

Currently my favourite NPC is Mintin Weelittle (Notorious Thief), it’s an interesting fight.

What is the most in-game currency you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?*

1,000 Station Cash, that was on the Adventurer’s Pack of Speed.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?*

Gift of the Prince. It’s a dagger from the original Pantheon of the Ancients quest line, when it was originally a dungeon for level 30′s. It’s no longer in game.

Describe your best experience from playing your favorite SOE Game?

It’s an odd one, before there was any raiding content, the guild I used to be in, Origin, decided to take on Tharridon the Mighty, who strolled around Renton Keep. We had 4 or 5 full groups, with no raid interface. It took over 2 hours to kill him and about 100+ crashes. He had no loot, but it was just the sheer thrill of trying to kill the giant and playing as a collective force that made it so memorable and so much fun.

We appreciate all of the feedback you’ve provided recently since Vanguard went Free to Play. Can you tell us what your inspiration is?

Just to help where possible and make catching bugs or polishing content that much easier for the team. As well as helping to improve the game for the better, because Vanguard: Saga of Heroes is the best MMORPG out there.**

We hope you enjoyed meeting this month’s SOE Gamer of the Month! If you know someone who you think has earned the title SOE Gamer of the Month, we’re looking for submissions! Let us know!

Meet all of the past SOE Gamers of the Month at this link (http://forums.station.sony.com/station/posts/list.m?topic_id=11500041235).

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