View Full Version : Daybreak Commerce Maintenance - February 23, 2021

02-18-2021, 07:48 PM
Daybreak Commerce Maintenance - February 23, 2021 (http://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/daybreak-commerce-maintenance-february-23-2021.598527/)
Posted by: dreamweaver on 02-18-2021 07:21 PM

On 2/23 at 1 AM PST we will be starting a 24 hour maintenance period on our commerce systems. During this timeframe

Account management (this includes password management and Customer Service petitions) will be unavailable.

If you cannot remember your game credentials, we will suggest you to retrieve your login (https://account.daybreakgames.com/reg/forgotStationName!input.action?theme=dgc&locale=en_US (https://account.daybreakgames.com/reg/forgotStationName!input.action?theme=dgc&locale=en_US)) and password (https://account.daybreakgames.com/reg/forgotPassword!input.action?theme=dgc (https://account.daybreakgames.com/reg/forgotPassword!input.action?theme=dgc)) before the maintenance begins on 2/23.

Commerce will be down and no DBC/BC/ETC purchases will be able to be made
Commercial website stores / shops will be unable to complete purchases (Krono, subscriptions, DLC, packs, etc.)
Your wallet balance will show as 0 DBC / Battle Cash / DC Cash / Crowns during this time frame as well.

During this timeframe there may also be intermittent issues with launch pad, if you have trouble and see the following message, "LaunchPad was unable to connect. Please check the network connection or try again later. If the problem persists, please visit https://help.daybreakgames.com (https://help.daybreakgames.com/) for assistance."

Please also refer to https://help.daybreakgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360063029213 (https://help.daybreakgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360063029213) for a possible work around.

It's important to note, this does not mean the game servers will be down for maintenance, you will still be able to log in and play. Please take the time to make sure you know your username and password for your accounts as those will be not be able to be auto filled during the maintenance.

View on EQ2players.com (http://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/daybreak-commerce-maintenance-february-23-2021.598527/)