View Full Version : Update Notes - May 18, 2021

EQ2 Game Updates
05-17-2021, 11:09 PM
Update Notes - May 18, 2021 (http://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/update-notes-may-18-2021.599644/)


Corrected an issue that prevented the EverQuest II Celebration Bundle from being claimed on the Tarinax server.


Concordium Ceremonial Gloves - Item name is now spelled correctly.
Skylord's Chain Shirt of Fortitude - Item now has a proper appearance.


Step 2:: A Tempting Treat - Deletion of the quest now removes the Spiced Chokidai from the player's inventory.
Sink or Swim - Captain Hookwind is no longer easily confused by the undulating sea, and should board the Blue Sunrise more consistently now.
Sink or Swim - Deletion of quest now removes Bucket of Water from player's inventory.


The Queen's Colony is now a separate choice from Qeynos on the Fast Travel map.
The Outpost of the Overlord is now a separate choice from Freeport on the Fast Travel map.


Qeynos Capitol District

Fruity no longer believes she is a member of the feline genus.

Vex Thal: Den of Shadows [Heroic II]

The Shade of Ssraeshza will summon no more than 9 Blood of Luclin beams when in combat.

Vex Thal: Edge of Oscuris [Challenge]

Reduced Combat Mitigation on all bosses.
Aten Ha Ra will increment Mortal Shadow Coil II if the target of her Avarice of Darkness is killed.

Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid]

Pets should now be able to attack High Priest Verrkara while she is using her "Occupational Hazard" ability.
High Priest Verrkara should no longer fail to recognize specific rooms upon entering, leaving her immune to damage when she shouldn't be.
The Emperor has grown tired of ordering the scraping of frogloks off the throne canopy and has order the flight path to Shadowed Isles: Whisper's Span diverted.
Added distinguishing text to each of the travel crystals atop the center tower so it is less confusing where each one leads. Many directionally challenged raiders hath rejoiced.

View on EQ2players.com (http://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/update-notes-may-18-2021.599644/)