View Full Version : Update Notes - September 28, 2021

EQ2 Game Updates
09-28-2021, 01:26 AM
Update Notes - September 28, 2021 (http://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/update-notes-september-28-2021.600955/)


Removed "completed" quest sorting from the quest journal which was causing client performance issues when logging in, grouping, etc.
Corrected a bug that prevented zone instance numbers from displaying in the destination choice box when traveling to overland zones with multiple running instances.



Corrected typo to "a silent decaying watcher" from typo reports.
Encounters that have a chance to drop Bartoch Umbrascreecher, no longer have a chance to also drop Lazeratus, Sacred Spirit.
Drops from Chel'Drak the Ancient Lord have been improved.
Drops from The Direvine Matron have been improved.
Drops from Mutagenic Outcast have been improved.
Dedalyk the Devourer now always drops the Peculiar Deadstone of Power.
Non-boss drop items in Drunder raids have been improved.
Provisioner merchants through the world have been reminded to sell food and drink for actual prices of coin.

Savage Weald: Backwoods Brawl [Challenge]

The minimum duration and zone mission rotation have been reduced to 18 hours.
Corpsecrone Urgta's Near Death Experience event occurs less often.
Herbwitch Eepkie's casts her curse, Harvest Moon, less often.
Fazplaka Akka's weald kestrels spawn less often.
Boneblos's piles of bones spawn less often.
The Grimling Zero's Sword and Bored event occurs less often.
The Grimling Zero's, Mejani Kovari's, and Dreamscale's Ornaments now drop double during Double Loot events.

Vex Thal: Edge of Oscuris [Challenge]

The minimum duration and zone mission rotation have been reduced to 3 days.

Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Challenge Raid]

The Empowerment, Deliverer, Bringer, and Guardian of Solace creatures during the Emperor Ssraeshza encounter should now have a buff description on them that can be examined explaining what actions from the challenger can have negative effects on defeating them.
Time limit for Emperor Ssraeshza has been set to 15 minutes up from 14 minutes.
Emperor Ssraeshza should no longer wait to check if his mechanics have been completed when he dies and should, instead, check in the next health percent check. This should prevent a heal to full if an early percentage threshold gets skipped somehow.

Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] and [Challenge Raid]

The Empowerment of Solace during the Emperor Ssraeshza encounter should no longer spike such large damage hits with their class profession spells and/or abilities.

Shard of Hate: Utter Contempt [Heroic]

Ulvaug the Bloodfang will spawn if just one person in the zone meets the spawn requirements.

Shard of Hate: Udder Contempt [Herd Mode]

Bovaug the Bull will spawn if just one person in the zone meets the spawn requirements.

Sullon Spire

Sullon Zek?s Adds HP has been reduced.

Tallon's Stronghold [Challenge]

Lieutenant Klaatuus's adds HP has been reduced.


The Reign of Shadows achievement "Triumph: Flawless All Raid Encounters" has been updated so it does not include the Grimling Hero contested encounter listed as "Unknown" as one of the requirements.


Updated the recipe for Devastation Fist (Grandmaster) to use the Devastation Fist (Master) spellscroll that drops as treasure. All other versions of Devastation Fist (Master) spellscroll will automatically convert into the dropped version upon loading a character that has one in inventory, or upon it entering a players inventory.


Turquoise slots have been added to items from Sabaron's Palace and The Silent City.
The examine prose for the "Grunting Warrior" from a Panda, Panda, Panda decoration bundle now indicates that it is a house pet.
Blue Hua Jubilee [IX] Rune's now match their red counterparts stats.
Legendary and Fabled items found in Sullon's Spire, Tallon's Stronghold, and Vallon's Tower can now be broken down into Drunder Ore as expected


Reverted display of house items in dressing room window to resolve issues with various items.


The raid mission Through the Veil, and Beyond! [Raid] will now always reward gear that is usable by the completing character.

View on EQ2players.com (http://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/update-notes-september-28-2021.600955/)