View Full Version : Varsoon TLE Server FAQ

05-03-2022, 09:36 PM
Varsoon TLE Server FAQ (http://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/varsoon-tle-server-faq.604595/)
Posted by: Accendo on 05-03-2022 06:48 PM

Many questions and answers hopefully covering everything about which you were curious.

Varsoon will be going live on May 24, 2022 and, as promised, here are all the details you've been craving to know more about and an FAQ.

What's Happening on Varsoon?

Varsoon is a Time-Locked Expansion (TLE) server where expansions unlock automatically. This server will be very similar to the Kaladim TLE except that Varsoon will also be a Free-Trade server. Which means items that are normally heirloom, will be able to be traded with other players.

Content Unlocks Every 16 Weeks

Expansions will unlock approximately every 16 weeks, except for Desert of Flames, which will be 12 weeks. That means you'll experience 16 weeks of classic EverQuest II, 12 weeks of Desert of Flames, 16 weeks of Kingdom of Sky, and so on. Any content that was released in between expansions, including GU and Adventure Pack content, will be released 8 weeks after its corresponding expansion has been released. For example, 8 weeks after Kingdom of Sky is released, you?ll have access to Fallen Dynasty. Desert of Flames will receive Hunter?s Quests and items approximately 6 weeks after release.


Items have been adjusted down to better fit the server's progression. Reuse and Casting Speed are being reduced on items through the progression. Ability Mod has been increased in many places.

Return of the Hoods

The hoods and villages will be open for Varsoon, like Big Bend, Longshadow Alley, the Baubleshire and Nettleville. Quest content in these villages will remain changed, but the hoods themselves will be there to access and reminisce.


Familiars have also been deemed "out of progression," and will not drop on Varsoon. They will not be available for purchase on the server.

All Access Membership Required

Like other progression and special ruleset servers, you?ll need an All Access Membership to access Varsoon. All Access also includes other great benefits, like 10% off most Marketplace purchases, and a claimable 500 DBC grant each month! You can learn more about membership here (https://www.everquest2.com/news/eq2-all-access-benefits).

Q: What is a Time Locked Expansion server?
A: A TLE server has a special ruleset that allows players to revisit exciting adventures from previous eras of EverQuest II, starting with original launch content. Every 12 to 16 weeks, content from the next expansion will unlock allowing progression through much of the original game content over time.

Q: Who can play on a TLE server?
A: All Access Membership is required to create characters and play on the Varsoon server.

Q: When will new content be unlocked on the server?
A: Every approximately 16 weeks, a new expansion and its associated content will unlock on the server. Adventure packs such as the Fallen Dynasty will be released 8 weeks into the applicable expansion. Hunter?s Coins and items will be included for all content packs and will also be mid-progression content. Desert of Flames will be 12 weeks and 6 weeks for similar unlocks.

Q: What Races and Classes will be available at launch?
A: All races will be available on Varsoon at launch!
The Channeler and Beastlord classes will not be available for play on Varsoon. These classes have been deemed "Out of Progression" for the beginning of the server and will be made available at their original expansion releases. Recipe scrolls, spell drops for these classes have not been removed due to them being contained in "global" systems.

Q: Can I transfer my character to Varsoon?
A: No transfers will be available to or from Varsoon.

Q: What Starting Areas will be available?
A: The starting areas will be Outpost of the Overlord and Queen?s Colony on the original Isle of Refuge. Darklight Wood and Frostfang Sea are available via the travel bells but not as places where you can start a new character. Timorous Deep and Greater Faydark will not be available until those expansions are released.

Q: Will experience values be tuned for Varsoon?
A: Experience and tradeskill experience values will match live servers.

Q: Will Spell Research be available on Varsoon?
A: With the launch of Varsoon, spell research will be made available. However, spell research will be capped at Master.

Q: What will be available for purchase in the Marketplace?
A: The majority of the Marketplace will be available at launch, except for a few items that will be locked behind future expansions.

Q: Will Guildhalls be available?
A: Guildhalls will not be made available at launch but will be made available with Rise of Kunark.

Q: Will we be able to leap or fly on Varsoon?
A: Leaping and flying will be restricted to their content expansions. Leaping will appear during Rise of Kunark, and flying will appear during Destiny of Velious.

Q: Can I use my /claim items?
A: Claim items will be restricted based on expansion, and, in some cases, may never be made available to preserve the progression of the server.

Q: What will be available for Tradeskills?
A: Crafted gear has had its progression re-balanced in past and will remain in its current progression.

Q: Can I use a Mercenary?
A: The Mercenary feature will not be available.

Q: Will Familiars be available on Varsoon?
A: Familiars have been deemed "Out of Progression" for Varsoon and will not be available.

Q: Will we be able to /house to travel on Varsoon?
A: Using /house has been restricted to be within the accessor for housing and will no longer be available from anywhere.

Q: Will there only be ground mounts and will they have reduced ground speed?
A: The highest mount speed on these servers is set at 29% at server launch and increases with each expansion.

Q: Will veteran rewards be available on Varsoon?
A: Veteran Rewards, Veteran experience bonuses, and the Recruit-a-Friend program will not be available on Varsoon.

Q: Will the Loyalty System be available on Varsoon?
A: Loyalty System and daily quests will not be available on Varsoon.

Q: Will Legendary, Fabled and Mythical crits be available on Varsoon?
A: Legendary, Fabled and Mythical crits will not be available on Varsoon.

Q: Will dungeon finder be available on Varsoon?
A: No dungeon finder will be available on Varsoon.

Q: Will Level Agnostic Dungeons be available on Varsoon?
A: Level Agnostic Dungeons will not be available on Varsoon.

Q: Will Reforging and tradeskill apprentices be available on Varsoon?
A: Reforging and tradeskill apprentices will not be available on Varsoon.

Q: Will dropped coin be restricted on Varsoon?
A: Dropped coin has been returned to launch levels of coin gain.

Q: Will there be a queuing system at the launch of Varsoon?
A: An existing queue system for logging in will be in place on May 24th.

Q: Will the heritage merchant and items be available on Varsoon?
A: The Heritage Merchant and its items will not be available on Varsoon.

We're very excited to set off on this new journey with you on May 24! If you can't wait to get in on the adventure, you can chat with other players on our TLE forums here (https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?forums/general-tle-discussion.320/). If you have more questions, you're welcome to post them there too.

View on EQ2players.com (http://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/varsoon-tle-server-faq.604595/)