View Full Version : ( - SOE) - EverQuest Producer’s Letter – August 2010 - Wed, 25 Aug 2010 22:15:19 +000

08-25-2010, 11:15 PM
Las Vegas Hot, EverQuest HoT!!!
Hello All!
Thank you everyone who attended the 2010 Las Vegas Fan Faire! It was great meeting everyone and discussing the great things coming soon to EverQuest. Not to mention sharing all the great stories that we’ve all experienced in EverQuest since its launch, over 11 years ago!
While at Fan Faire, we, announced the latest great thing we’ve been working on the past few months. So to reiterate, in case you’ve missed the announcement:* In October 2010, EverQuest will be launching its 17th expansion, House of Thule!
The House of Thule (or HoT) expansion will be launching with some exciting new additions not previously seen in Norrath

Player Housing! Housing in HoT will allow players to purchase housing plots in their own new neighborhoods. We will be allowing players to purchase up to two housing plots at launch.* Next, different sized houses can be sought to place on each of your plots. Your plots can be in the same neighborhood or in differing neighborhoods. This is a good chance to get with your friends or guildmates and rush to start your own guild neighborhood. However, just like real life, we will not be assisting if an ogre moves into an all gnome neighborhood. So find some ogre spray and teach your kids to travel in pairs.

Trophy System – One of the ways that you can show off your accomplishments is through our all new Trophy System. You can display your Trophies and use them to give you some adventuring benefits after you leave your home.

Increased Inventory in HoT is Hot!
We have taken on a bear of a task to get you some extra, well-deserved inventory space. Kiara will be posting an article with inventory details for you space-saving Norrathians.

How about a Level Increase?
We’ve got it! HoT comes with a five level increase. The new maximum level is 90 and that now comes with all new tiers of gear so you’ll get your chance to distinguish yourself from everyone else.

Got it! Try over 800 of them! (I’m legally harnessed down to say 800 but I know we’ve got more for you…I’m feeling legal coming now so let me finish this up before they head over.)

Got it!* Hundreds of spells! New raids, zones, missions, and quests. Hundreds of new housing items. We’ve got ’em all! I can go on and on but it’s probably better for you to check out the features on our players site. We’ll be putting up a couple features a week as we lead up to the expansion.

House of Thule Beta – HoT Beta registration launched while we were at Fan Faire and Beta Launched on August 9th. So if you want to come and check out these features before everyone else, head to the Beta Registration Page and sign up. We’ll try to accommodate as many people as possible, but be sure to sign the NDA and send it back or we’ll be forced to use an existing dwarf again….And that’s a pain cause they always take twice as long to finish anything. Pfft!
On behalf of the EverQuest Team – Thank you!
Thom Terrazas
Producer, EverQuest
AKA “Phathom”

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