View Full Version : ( - SOE) - SOE Gamer of the Month ? August - 08-03-2011 02:01 PM

08-03-2011, 08:01 PM

By Aimee “Ashlanne” Rekoske

It’s that time of the month again; time to meet the SOE Gamer of the Month! The SOE Community Team would like to introduce the August SOE Gamer for 2011,*Stargrace in EverQuest II. Get to know her better. Sometime in the near future you may hear questions answered that she submitted in an SOE Podcast.

Question: Where in the real life world do you live (city and state)?

Answer:*Ottawa Ontario (That’s right, I’m Canadian!)

Question: What SOE game(s) do you play?

Answer:*What games DON’T I play! I currently play EQ2, EQ, and Vanguard actively. I’ve also been seen in SWG, FreeRealms, and DCUO

Question: How long have you played the above game(s)?

Answer:*I’ve played EQ2 and Vanguard since their release. I started EQ a little late though.

Question: What other games do you play?

Answer:*Tough question, I tend to be a nomadic gamer, bouncing from whatever suits my mood at the moment – but I always return home to EQ2.

Question: Why would you like to be the SOE Gamer of the Month?

Answer:*I’ve been writing about SOE games for over 6 years now, if not professionally then on my personal site. It would be really nice to be asked the questions for once instead of always asking someone else!

Question: What do you do for a living?

Answer:*Freelance Writer. I get paid to play video games (and to write about them, of course), typically dungeon guides, class guides, zone guides, that sort of thing. I’ve done a good number of interviews over the years too.

Question: How many hours a week do you play video games

Answer:*Way too many. When you get paid to play them you tend to forget to look at the clock.

Question: Tell us about your character(s).

Answer:*Stargrace is my “main” and I use the term loosely. She’s a defiler (who was once a mystic who was a defiler who started as a mystic) and a tailor. She spends countless hours browsing the shops for books to add to her Norrathian Library. I also have a 90 troubador, illusionist, two coercers, shadowknight, bruiser, warden, inquisitor, and swashbuckler. Oh, and a 35 ranger who is level locked while I work on aa.

http://www.soe.com/images/community/features/soegamer/Aug2011/auggamer.jpg (http://www.soe.com/images/community/features/soegamer/Aug2011/auggamer.jpg)

Stargrace, she’s the little one in the middle (click for larger image)

Question: How did you get into gaming?

Answer:*My significant other and I met in a MUD, and then he introduced me to EQ. I’ve been gaming ever since then, and it’s been over 9 years.

Question: What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other than playing video games?

Answer:*I do a lot of writing, and when I’m not doing that I like to cozy up with a good book. I’ve been known to dabble in arts and crafts (cross stitching, knitting, painting, drawing). I’m a huge sucker for the outdoors, and love camping. I suppose it’s a little bit of a boring life but it’s nice and quiet which is exactly how I like to spend it.

Question: What do you like the most about your favorite SOE game?

Answer:*The group of friends I’ve met because of it. Without these people by my side the games I play wouldn’t be nearly as fun.

Question: What’s the first thing you do when you log into your game? Do you have a routine?

Answer:*I do have a routine. Since I have 11 level 90 characters (I heard a gasp when I said that) I log in each one and check their broker sales. Did I mention 9 of those 11 are also level 90 crafters? Yeah. I check broker and see who is around in guild that I can pester.

Question: Let’s talk favorites… What is your favorite item? (Is there one you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons?) What is your favorite zone? What is your favorite NPC? Do you have a favorite in-game memory?

Answer:*My favorite item is the scepter of scale from the prismatic 1.0 quest. I did it back when we were excited to work so hard for a legendary item, when there was no such thing as fabled or mythical. Those were good times. My favorite zone is New Tunaria, such a beautiful and under used zone. I could spend hours there killing vampires (and have). I don’t have a favorite NPC, but I do have a LEAST favorite NPC. Have YOU ever seen a Gnoll before?! Wait, I have two. Qho. My favorite in-game memory would have to be when my guild took down Chel’Drak for the first time. I got a discovery on some druid shoes. It was back when I played on Lucan D’Lere and we had been trying to defeat the encounter for ages. I actually screamed in vent when he finally went down. It was really one of those “holy cow” moments because we had all worked so hard together.

Question: What is the most in-game currency you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?*

Answer:*500 plat on a house item. A baby dragon from the collector’s edition of EQ2 when it first released. I spend far more money on house items (especially player-written books) then anything else.

Question: If you could have a superpower or a spell/ability from the game you play, what would it be?

Answer:*Does summon mount count as an ability? That’s the one I’d like. Just pulling out a random mount from my bags / thin air to ride around town on.

Question: If there was one thing you could tell the SOE community about yourself, what would it be?

Answer:*Careful, I bite.

You can get the details on how to be the next SOE Gamer of the Month by heading over to this link (http://forums.station.sony.com/station/posts/list.m?topic_id=11500018841).

By participating in an SOE Gamer of the Month Challenge, you agree to comply with the SOE Gamer of the Month Official Rules (http://www.soe.com/contests/rules.vm#soegamerofthemonth) and SOE’s Privacy Policy (http://www.soe.com/sonyonline/privacy.vm) and Terms of Service (http://www.soe.com/termsofservice.vm).

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