View Full Version : ( - SOE) - SOE Halloween Festivities Recap & Contest Winners - 11-09-2011 01:38 PM

11-09-2011, 07:01 PM
By: Donna “Danicia” Prior

The SOE Employees came together across the San Diego campus to participate in the Annual Costume Contest & Treating! Yes, no tricks here, just many treats! Each team hosted its own Potluck to share with the other teams and internal trick-or-treaters.

Members of Community & Marketing wait for the judging of office decorations.

The yearly Halloween event brings out the playful nature of our staff and also drives some competition thanks to the costume contests! Along with our departmental potlucks, we have decorating contests!

For the Community & Marketing Teams, we were pretty heavy on some tasty sweets. The big winner of the day was the Bacon Cheese Dip. You could smell the bacon all through the office areas, tempting everyone to join us.

The Bacon Cheese Dip was the first to go. Get the recipe at the end of the blog.

After everyone enjoyed their tasty dishes, the party moved out to the SOE Parking lot. We arrived to see tables set up with candy and cookies, all to share with SOE staff & their families who dropped by. This is also where the judges sat for the Costume Competition.

Delicious candy & cookies strewn about, waiting for everyone to eat.

There were numerous judges choosing their favorites for the following categories:

Best Couple
Best Group
Best Use of Canine
Best Use of SOE Heritage
Most Original

We even had one judge dressed up (who was not eligible to win).

Planetside 2 Senior Art Director Tramell Isaac dressed as Creative Director Matt Higby

At SOE we love our pooches, so we like to get them in on the costume action. We have a number of regular doggie visitors to the SOE Campus so we like to spotlight them when we can. Most of the dogs arrived in super hero capes and interacted well with each other. And our staff who dressed as dogs.

The relationships between man and dog get a bit blurry at times.

The Scariest Costume category offered up some very different costumes, from actual scary to fandom scary. A Dalek isn’t scary, unless you are going to be exterminated.

Big nasty teeth or plunger of extermination? You choose.

One of the most popular and difficult to judge categories is Most Original. These creations are lovingly crafted, reflecting the personalities of each person. You can clearly see what inspires each person to create.

Yes, that’s the Director of Global Community Relations, Brasse, as Queen of the Drowned!

All in all, we had a fantastic time with our Halloween parties, both inside our games and inside our own community! You can see all of our 2011 Halloween photos (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.272412979464110.60934.122577587780984&type=3&l=88373fc67d) when you follow SOE on Facebook!


Donna “Danicia” Prior

SOE Social Media Specialist

*Bacon Cheese Dip Recipe*
2 8oz packages of cream cheese, softened
4 oz of grated Asagio cheese
4 oz of grated cheddar cheese
3/4 cup of mayonnaise
1 yellow onion, diced
As much black pepper as you can handle
1 lb of bacon

Combine all items except bacon in a microwave safe mixing bowl
Mix well and flatten dip evenly in the bowl. Refrigerate
Cut bacon into pieces, fry up extra crispy. Drain on paper towels
Crumble bacon on top of dip, refrigerate. Heat for 3 minutes to serve hot.

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