View Full Version : ( - SOE) - Free Realms TCG ? Producer Letter - 11-17-2011 09:05 PM

11-18-2011, 02:05 AM

By:*Mark Tuttle

Hello Cardies!

It’s been a while since we’ve had a chat, but we’re very excited to introduce the NEW Free Realms Trading Card Game release, Baron von Darkcheat! *Let me tell you a little about it.

First, new cards! *The Cardies LOVE new cards! *With new cards come new strategies and gameplay as well. *Our designers have cooked up some really cool new mechanics that will give you the upper hand over the cheaty-face methods of the villainous Baron…wait. *I’m getting ahead of myself.

Baron von Darkcheat features 146 new cards. *These new cards are featured in booster packs, starter decks (1 for each color) and an incredibly challenging new quest chain, leading up to the set’s shadowy villain! *You’ll find super-cool rewards along the way, and an exciting new ride if you can defeat the evil boss threatening Snowhill.

Baron von Darkcheat also features some great new loot including a new ride, pet, housing lot, housing items, outfits and much much more! *And as always, there’s a loot card in every pack of the Free Realms TCG!


And one more big surprise for you, is that we’ve officially lowered the price of the booster packs, starter decks, and quest packs! *Booster packs are now just 249 SC for the same number of cards as before! *That will make it easier to build your collection, construct new decks and defeat the mysterious bad guy who’s out to destroy Snowhill!

Baron von Darkcheat is available now in the Marketplace! *We hope you enjoy it!

Mark Tuttle
Executive Producer, Free Realms TCG

Below is*a list of the other expansion articles published:

New Expansion For The TCG! (http://bit.ly/sKT3yW)
Baron von Darkcheat Preview! 11/12/11 (http://bit.ly/vzLOiX)
Baron von Darkcheat Preview! 11/13/11 (http://bit.ly/rHXsEo)
Baron von Darkcheat Preview! 11/14/11 (http://bit.ly/uLQHZy)
Baron von Darkcheat Preview! 11/15/11 (http://bit.ly/sJ9fBf)
Baron von Darkcheat Preview! 11/16/11 (http://bit.ly/v2xKhE)
Baron von Darkcheat Preview! 11/17/11 (http://bit.ly/uDj2W0)
TCG Story and Gameplay Preview (http://bit.ly/sjMNER)
TCG NEW Virtual Rewards! (http://bit.ly/uLeR27)

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