View Full Version : ( - SOE) - Magic : The Gathering – Tactics: March 2012 Producer’s Letter - 03-08-2012

03-09-2012, 05:35 PM
By:*Mark Tuttle

Greetings, Planeswalkers!

Along with a handful of bug fixes, the latest Tactics patch addresses the issues some of you are reporting with stalling and “rage quitting.”* If you haven’t seen this behavior, it is when an opponent stops playing and hopes the opponent will quit (and take a loss) out of frustration.* It’s not sportsmanlike, and we don’t want it to continue.

A new timer has been added to Pick-Up-Games (PUGs).*This is a turn timer that resets every time a player performs a game action. Game actions include casting a spell, moving, attacking, and using an activated ability.* If a player doesn’t perform an action for two minutes, a tone sounds to both players and a pop-up dialog informs both players that the current player has one minute to perform an action.* If the current player doesn’t perform an action during that additional minute, he forfeits the game and the opponent receives the win.* This means that, at most, a player who wants to play will have to wait only three minutes for the opponent to proceed or lose.

This timer is invisible and players see only the one minute warning and the subsequent loss.* The new rule around the Dev team is “make your sandwich before you start the game, not during.”

We’ll closely monitor how this affects your games and if there are no issues, we’ll introduce this timer into Open Tournament games as well.* Bracket and Draft events will keep their current timer.



We’ve also dropped a treat into the game for the players: a new map!* In random PUGs and in Tournament*matches, your Planeswalker will face off against an opponent on a snowy, forested mountaintop – the Taiga!* See if your Planeswalker can catch a snowflake on their tongue before taking a Lava Axe to the side of the head.

Lastly, in case you missed it, we added new rewards to the tournaments last week, so if your spellbook is looking for some new love for blue, red, or white, then jump in and give it a shot!

Mark Tuttle
Executive Producer
Magic: The Gathering – Tactics

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