View Full Version : ( - SOE) - Legends of Norrath Producer?s Letter ? February 2012 - 02-16-2012 08:45 PM

03-09-2012, 05:35 PM
By:*Mark Tuttle

Hey LON players!

I wanted to take a moment to welcome new players that have come into Legends of Norrath since EverQuest II went free to play and give our current players a quick peek at the upcoming months for LON.

In April, we’ll be launching Legends of Norrath’s 14th release, Fall of the Estarim. This set will finally tie up the dragonbrood storyline and bring resolution to the tumultuous affairs of the Estarim family. How will it end? The title and logo probably say it all!


Fall of the Estarim will introduce over 100 all-new cards to Legends of Norrath. New gameplay in FotE includes archetype boosts in game text and the new keyword Flanking that lets you play a unit as a combat action!

Fall of the Estarim will also include all new tournament and scenario rewards, including the long awaited return of loot tournaments.

Speaking of scenarios, you might have noticed with the February events that you can now complete your monthly scenarios with either Open or Standard decks. Play away!

And for those of you who love loot, Fall of the Estarim will feature some really cool new pieces for both EverQuest and EverQuest II. We’re branching the loot set out in some new directions so expect some interesting reveals over the next couple of months.

That’s all for now. Watch for some fun activities coming up in the next couple of weeks. If you’re new to LON, we have a great player community that will be happy to help you get up to speed!

Happy playing, all!

Mark Tuttle
Executive Producer
Legends of Norrath

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