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This mob is very much tank and spank. Has a moderate damage noxious AE and a mem blur when he does his small knock back. Just keep two tanks fighting for aggro at all times and cure the noxious AE when it hits.
04-25-2010, 07:05 AM by EQ-Raiders
This group is pretty straight forward. You can choose to either off tank one of the dogs or keep all three on your MT. You will encounter multiple curses inthis fight that slow the casting of your character. Make sure to first cure healers and your tanks of this curse. It is a rather large cas...
04-25-2010, 06:49 AM by EQ-Raiders
First named in Vigilant. He is pretty much a tank and spank as he has no knock back or magic damage. He has a 360 degree raid wide "Shred" aoe, this seems to be piercing damage and can be healed through with out too much trouble. He also has a curable elemental root that does no damage. The mob do...
04-23-2010, 06:35 AM by
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