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This mob is fairly straight forward. You'll want one group on one name and the second group on the other, tanked seperatly where they stand. There is one difference beteen the two mobs: Cerulea will port her current target to one of three locations; where she stands, where her sister stands or ...
06-15-2011, 12:25 AM by Sanction
Fairly straightfoward ring event followed by named. The ring event and named mobs all come in from random sides. First set of mobs in the ring event is spiders, they are not grouped. Lightweight. Next set of mobs int he ring event is skeletons in groups of 3. They hit a good bit harder. Finally, w...
03-31-2011, 03:33 AM by Drax
Between 100% - 50% is just straight burn. 1. She will periodically port someone and 'bite' them for about 30% health then knock that person back and come back to the raid. 2. There is an elemental AoE that hits pretty hard if not cured. 3. She will cast a curse on a single person that debuffs pot...
03-17-2011, 06:14 AM by EQ-Raiders
Necretia can be a bit tricky for those who fail to prevent the adds from spawning. The fight is similar start to the heroic version. Only the two adds to the left or right of Necretia will come when first aggro'd. You will want to tank these adds away from the named. You can still dps Necretia ...
03-17-2011, 06:14 AM by EQ-Raiders
The best spot to place your raid is directly behind him on one tight spot, preferably right in the middle of the room. 10-15 sec into the fight a person gets cursed, that person needs to stop attacking the named or die very fast. A reflection of that person will pop, hitting hard and memwiping fr...
03-17-2011, 06:14 AM by EQ-Raiders
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