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Have off-tank or other non-healer/non-dps remove the shield to his room with the clicky thing you get from the adventure group chest. Have the MT with his back to the wall directly across from the corridor to the room. The rest of the raid should be down the side corridor, with MT healers at heal r...
01-24-2009, 03:58 PM by
Notes: If you failed on Doomcoil then Meldrath will summon him a few minutes into the fight. This will force you to change your kill order to get Meldrath earlier. Use multiple tanks. The scout and mage tend to ignore taunts from time to time and attack raid members. On pull have off-tank gra...
01-24-2009, 03:55 PM by
Notes: Heals for ~140k HP every time a player dies. He does not heal when he kills pets or dumbfire pets. To start this fight have the entire raid enter the room. Whoever received the 4 skulls from killing the skeletons needs to right-click Meldrath and hand them over. This is often the first per...
01-24-2009, 03:51 PM by
Raid mob inside the Protectors Realm, must be spawned before you attack him or else raid will wipe, has 2 Skeleton Adds with him, either burn them down or mezz them. Every 45secs he casts Judgment of the Faceless which is an AE Fear Dot, does more dmg the closer you are up, to protect MT have a gro...
05-29-2008, 05:36 AM by Unis
This mob is same as the others from this instance, he must be triggered to be able to attack him, talk to NPCs in Doomcoil room and then trigger this mob, have 1 person trigger him from outside of raid for safety reason :D This is a Skeleton type mob, he comes with 2 adds both skeletons also, he ha...
05-29-2008, 05:31 AM by Unis
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