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This mob is fairly straight forward. You'll want one group on one name and the second group on the other, tanked seperatly where they stand. There is one difference beteen the two mobs: Cerulea will port her current target to one of three locations; where she stands, where her sister stands or ...
06-15-2011, 12:25 AM by Sanction
Common Strategy: Has a disease based damage shield called Caress Feedback . In front of Venekor there is a totem that will require one player of each class to stay next to at all times. The totem will flash and by right clicking it a color will show. Colors are coordinated by class. Red = Fight...
03-15-2008, 04:02 PM by EQ-Raiders
These two dragons are in the final room in VP. Phara Dar is up on the platform and the Shade of Khalan Dar is down on the floor. You will require two tank groups for this fight. To start the fight just run into the room as a raid. Have the main tank group grab and hold onto Phara Dar while the o...
02-04-2009, 06:44 PM by Mindeen
Tank him far enough from the fountains in-zone to keep his stoneskin off him but within range of a raid force that's stacked up close to, or in, the fountain. Every 45 seconds he will shout "Catch!" and up to 3 raid members will end up with a dull elemental. These players must jump into a fountai...
01-09-2015, 12:49 AM by aquareflections
Vulaan will require a bit more from your raid force. When he is active you may want to tank Vulaan in the middle of the room. There will be egg clutches (4 of them) around the room. These begin to hatch and must be destroyed before they do. If they are not destroyed they will spawn several drak...
02-05-2010, 09:19 AM by EQ-Raiders
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