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Two places to really fight her. One is against the huge mushroom in the middle of the zone or other is against the lower waterfall in the river against under the side of the bank closer to the mushroom. Treah has a knockup and an AOE root so plan your pull place accordingly. Main thing here is th...
01-03-2008, 12:15 PM by EQ-Raiders
Digg – Corrupted Earth Elemental Getting to Digg Have one person raise the south bridge then move out to Digg's island and raise the west bridge. Skirt the edge of the island to move from one brick to the other. Digg has a fairly small agro range. Positioning/Pull To start, everyone sh...
08-31-2012, 04:46 PM by Repel
Vulaan will require a bit more from your raid force. When he is active you may want to tank Vulaan in the middle of the room. There will be egg clutches (4 of them) around the room. These begin to hatch and must be destroyed before they do. If they are not destroyed they will spawn several drak...
02-05-2010, 09:19 AM by EQ-Raiders
Z, U and A is a tricky encounter if your guild is not mostly HM geared from original DOV raid instances. The thing to watch out for on this encounter right away is 'Combat Madness'. This effect is a curse that lands on Scouts and Mages in your raid. It will always be present on someone in your r...
08-02-2011, 03:20 PM by Tomatoh
This is your basic DPS check fight. 50 seconds into the fight a group of adds will spawn that must be killed. Each one will cast the multi-strike AoE about 10 seconds after spawning so use group death prevents or AoE blocks. Following groups of adds will come a minute and half apart. There a...
08-07-2011, 03:45 PM by Sanction
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