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Uzdrak the Invincible is the first named encounter in the Temple of Korsha. He is non-agro so run past him down the stairs and stay in the middle area. Pull and kill the golems from either side to the middle area at the base of the stairs first. Make sure not to do any large AOEs otherwise you wi...
02-05-2009, 06:53 PM by Mindeen
Tank him far enough from the fountains in-zone to keep his stoneskin off him but within range of a raid force that's stacked up close to, or in, the fountain. Every 45 seconds he will shout "Catch!" and up to 3 raid members will end up with a dull elemental. These players must jump into a fountai...
01-09-2015, 12:49 AM by aquareflections
- Heroic adds every 60 seconds: a vampiric protector (2) - One Wolfsbane is used during the fight against him to prevent wolf adds from spawning First off you need Wolfsbane's. Wolfsbane is acquired by killing Malkonis D'morte or Wuoshi. Malkonis drops 3 and Wuoshi Drops 5. Mayong is really not h...
01-03-2008, 01:26 PM by EQ-Raiders
The deal with this mob is that you can choose to fight only one of these mobs. You will notice when inspecting the mobs they have a buff on them that enhances there damage. What you want to do is remove one of the mobs from the picture. The encounter has 4 total mobs as a part of it and if you n...
02-22-2011, 08:43 AM by EQ-Raiders
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