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Absatalious is a named that will aggro your raid party a few seconds after entering the new portal after killing Switchmaster. This mob is a pretty straight forward dps burn but you do you need to pay attention to one key part. The mob has a Poison/Disease based AOE that if not cured will tick for...
04-23-2009, 11:26 PM by EQ-Raiders
Taskmaster is the first mob you will encounter in the Second Wing of Veeshan's Peak. If you have enough ranged DPS this fight is rather simple due to the fact that Taskmaster is rooted on his island. Taskmaster is a repeating strategy of constant jousting. His Fire Nova AOE is devastating if yo...
09-21-2008, 07:12 PM by EQ-Raiders
This fight is all about sustaining DPS with minimal available power. Bring a chanter, a GOOD chanter. And power gear, put on anything you have that procs power, better if it procs to the whole group. Fight starts out simple enough, just a strait boss with a somewhat extreme knockback. Your tank ...
11-02-2010, 03:27 PM by Sude
Teleports his current target to one of three locations in the zone every 45 seconds or so. First location is the spawn point of Talendor, second is spawn point of Gornaire and third location is cross over the spawn point of Talendor in the first floor. Spawns level 57^^^'s every time something dies...
01-01-2008, 07:25 AM by EQ-Raiders
Imperator can be a tricky fight if your raid does not have high enough dps. During this fight you will see two kinds of epicx2 adds spawn: kromzek stormtrooper and static storm elemental. kromzek stormtrooper is your typical OT mob with not alot of tricks. The static storm elemental will el...
02-22-2011, 08:49 AM by EQ-Raiders
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