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Nexona is considered to be the hardest mob within Veeshan's Peak. Once you learn the encounter, it really is rather easy. I will explain one of the simpler ways to finish this mob off. There is more than one but out of all of the strategies out there, this one seems the easiest pull off. First t...
08-30-2008, 08:33 PM by EQ-Raiders
Notes: Heals for ~140k HP every time a player dies. He does not heal when he kills pets or dumbfire pets. To start this fight have the entire raid enter the room. Whoever received the 4 skulls from killing the skeletons needs to right-click Meldrath and hand them over. This is often the first per...
01-24-2009, 03:51 PM by
Pentaclypse and Ultaclypse are the same mobs. So it really does not matter which you decide to banish. The strategy remains the same for both of the named. Pentaclypse comes complete with 4 Epic x 4 adds that when killed make the Void Beast (Penta/Ulta) stronger. A typical strategy is to pull t...
05-01-2009, 06:25 AM by EQ-Raiders
Qxectus is quite annoying. The main jist of the fight is that you will have to do this encounter with a constant stream of adds, and you will have to keep moving every 20 seconds or so. When you enter his room you will notice there are two statues in this room. This is a key part of the fight. T...
12-27-2009, 06:48 AM by EQ-Raiders
This mob wanders throughout the zone in a large path so be careful where your raid travels. This is the last mob in the zone and is tied to all the brownies in the zone. If you have any brownies you have not killed they will aggro during the encounter. If your raid completed the challenge at the ...
01-03-2008, 11:58 AM by EQ-Raiders
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