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Zarda and Kodux is the second last encounter in the Temple of Kor-Sha. Before engaging make sure you have cleared all the wandering adds. Make sure to kill the assassins that are hidden in the waterfalls. And finally make sure you have killed the golems in each room of the names. Split your raid...
02-05-2009, 07:28 PM by Mindeen
Valdemar is a straight dps burn fight. Valdemar comes initially with two golem adds that must be tanked by different people. As you gear up this can become one person but keep it two people if you are starting out. Throughout the fight Valdemar will spawn non-aggro constructs and aggro Enraged ...
02-22-2011, 08:53 AM by EQ-Raiders
Gozak requires atleast 4 people in your raid to have killed Aiden and looted the Shard that drops from the Chest. (Chanters and Bards seem to be the preference to use the Shard on Gozak) This Shard summons a pet that is controlled by the player that will tank Gozak. The Pet does massive damage but...
12-28-2009, 04:20 AM by EQ-Raiders
Caella of the Pearl must be kept in the center circle where she stands. If she gets pulled out, then she gets additional buffs which can cause raid wipes. She has 2 AE's which are both ranged based on damage. The further away you are, the less damage you take. Pearlescent Shock - Cureable Eleme...
05-06-2013, 08:02 AM by EQ-Raiders
Trixie, Mixie and Dixie. Pull them one at a time, burn them to 5% or less (do not kill them yet). Trixie is a healer (collector of faith) and she heal herself over the course of the fight. Burn the other two first, then pull Trixie. When it gets to 5%, carry on burning and go nuts on AEs so all ...
01-03-2008, 11:36 AM by EQ-Raiders
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