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Includes 3 adds. You need to have turned off 6 orbs - 3 by the Guardian of the Orbs, and 3 by Dinree - to get this guy to spawn. Otherwise, you will get an agro Malkonis D'Morte and die. So once you are sure all orbs are off, hail and start the conversation, and he should despawn and Rhoen will ...
03-21-2008, 04:06 AM by EQ-Raiders
Stay along wall to the right as you enter the room. Everyone stack up in far corner. AOE Prevent on incoming will help against the initial onslaught of damage. MT moves in and tanks in place. Melee DPS moves in. Everyone crouch and walk mode as the mob has a fear AE. Mob also has Vortex of Darkn...
01-03-2008, 01:16 PM by EQ-Raiders
This mob is same as the others from this instance, he must be triggered to be able to attack him, talk to NPCs in Doomcoil room and then trigger this mob, have 1 person trigger him from outside of raid for safety reason :D This is a Skeleton type mob, he comes with 2 adds both skeletons also, he ha...
05-29-2008, 05:31 AM by Unis
First, once anyone in the raid enters Venekors chamber a timer starts and then the event begins. You have about 15-20 seconds to position to raid before Venekor becomes aggro. After the event officially starts anyone left outside his room will be ported into the room and to the base of one of the st...
01-04-2008, 06:17 AM by EQ-Raiders
Add name: - greater fearknight General strat: He randomly fears people, got a fear aoe and ports himself to two spots (one infront of the fear gate and one behind). When he ports everyone needs to stack ontop of him. When adds pop burn em. Have dirges and enchanters interrupt the fear every 25...
01-04-2008, 05:34 AM by EQ-Raiders
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