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This is your basic DPS check fight. 50 seconds into the fight a group of adds will spawn that must be killed. Each one will cast the multi-strike AoE about 10 seconds after spawning so use group death prevents or AoE blocks. Following groups of adds will come a minute and half apart. There a...
08-07-2011, 03:45 PM by Sanction
You need to split your raid into two groups. Two on Barakah and two on Siyamak. Barakah needs to be tanked in the light and Siyamak tanked in the dark. No one can stand in the middle of the room on the sun. If you do you will cause a zone wide AOE fail. You must have two groups in the light sid...
07-26-2013, 10:46 PM by hathahrk
Raid members must be within 17m of Named/Adds as much as possible. Trauma based AoE - Runic Vortex. Happens roughly the same time the adds pop (every 45s). Adds will spawn that need to be killed. They will pop the top of the room entrance ramp, or bottom of the room exit ramp. Curse called Clean...
11-26-2013, 04:42 AM by Cheesy
Your raid will want to set up three points of attack for this encounter; one for Sevalak, one for Tempestor and one for the adds. If Sevalak and Tempestor get too close they become empowered. Sevalak also has a knockback component so tanks pulling the names will want their back to a wall. About...
09-09-2012, 06:11 AM by Sanction
Main name and 2 eel adds. Need to use Waxy Urchin Roe on this fight, just click it every time its available ( 140second duration, 100second reuse). Easy to just macro it to a common spell, has no cast or recovery. If anyone in raid does not maintain this item they will be charmed and one shot...
05-06-2013, 08:01 AM by Ebofu
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