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You will need the person with Aggro to stay within melee range of Tert at all times. Tert will not move from where he stands from the two places he ports to and from. If he targets someone too far away he will ignite the docks and you will die. If you manage to jump into the water to avoid the fi...
02-22-2011, 08:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
Nexona is considered to be the hardest mob within Veeshan's Peak. Once you learn the encounter, it really is rather easy. I will explain one of the simpler ways to finish this mob off. There is more than one but out of all of the strategies out there, this one seems the easiest pull off. First t...
08-30-2008, 08:33 PM by EQ-Raiders
Underground Ice Shrimp
01-04-2008, 05:29 AM by EQ-Raiders
He stands in the back of the arena pit, and is script-attached to Vyemm, but they are not a linked encounter. Alzid Prime will continually back to 33% HP when taken down to 13% HP unless Vyemm is dead. Alzid can be seperated from Vyemm via a Coercer's Amnesia spell or by using a pet pull of Alzid...
01-04-2008, 10:55 AM by EQ-Raiders
Vyemm and Alzid Prime can still be seperated, but its much more difficult than previous versions. See Alzid Strategy. His frontal cone Energy Vortex is the biggest threat for killing your raid. The Scream of Chaos (SoC) is survivable by everyone if you have enough mit for it to do 3-4k dmg. You ...
01-04-2008, 10:58 AM by EQ-Raiders
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