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Mob will target random players and chase after them. This action will be warned via a red emote on your screen. The red text for the raid will say the player's name and the red text for the person in question will say that Tantor points at "you". Best to call out who Tantor will be charging toward...
02-22-2011, 09:48 AM by EQ-Raiders
Captain H'Bri is linked with Lieutenant Grauf Thundersmash and not agro at the start. You clear the room of the golem adds and then go to take the portal. When you enter the room, head to the right and take the portal to a different room. Clear all the golems. Once the golems are dead, split the...
05-28-2010, 07:33 AM by
Arreken Skyward is a busy fight that will have you paying attention to the front and back of this mob. Arreken Skyward has two random emotes that are spoken in Draconic Language and will be about his "tail" or his "bite". If the text says, "Standing in front of my mighty jaws puts you in a conve...
04-26-2012, 09:34 AM by EQ-Raiders
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