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You need to split your raid into two groups. Two on Barakah and two on Siyamak. Barakah needs to be tanked in the light and Siyamak tanked in the dark. No one can stand in the middle of the room on the sun. If you do you will cause a zone wide AOE fail. You must have two groups in the light sid...
07-26-2013, 10:46 PM by hathahrk
Anoying Mob. First when you get to 75% she will heal back to 100, thats the only time she healed on us. Throughout the fight people will get ported downstairs, and have to kill copies of themselves. Its very important that you find all THREE of the pats, and kill them before you start. The tan...
03-17-2011, 06:13 AM by EQ-Raiders
Strategy VME - Valor: VME vs. Caden and Kelplin - EQ2 - Valor - YouTube Vigilance: Vigilance - Caden and Keplin - YouTube (1) Mobs must be kept together, otherwise you get hit with Dragoon's Teamwork (above) (2) Touch of Tomes MUST be interrupted. (3) When a tank gets the red message, they must j...
11-26-2013, 04:46 AM by EQ-Raiders
Trajin Cedon is a very easy encounter compared to Kage-Zonn that you just did. You can not kill his adds before him so just concentrate all your burn on the named. If you kill his adds you may infact live but he does a Harm Touch type hit each time you kill his add. If you can heal through it, go...
04-25-2010, 12:45 PM by EQ-Raiders
This fight is fairly simple. Set your raid up so people can joust out from Tagrin when the red text comes. We put two tanks on Tagrin to deal with the death touch and mem wipe. 50 seconds into the fight an add with the name 'a spirit assassin' will spawn however only 2 people will be able to se...
11-09-2012, 02:13 AM by Sanction
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