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Attached to the Overlord. This encounter can spawn Brixx, Borxx, Braxx if done wrong. It is best to split tank this encounter. On the pull, the MT should agro the guardians, and then single taunt Pkzwk when he's in range. At the same time, the secondary tank should Rescue pull Overlord Oxulius ...
01-04-2008, 09:13 PM by EQ-Raiders
Common Strategy: The instance that contains Harla Dar is the same as SoS / Temple, but is only the section with the gorg pit / platform (where Harla Sits). There are tons of trash mobs including drakotas, lizards, and droags. HD continuously calls for aid during the fight, which will bring any tr...
03-15-2008, 04:15 PM by EQ-Raiders
This is a fairly strait forward fight not requiring any special ACT, GC, or RH calls outs. Try and pull the roamer from behind him so that it does not add on someone during the encounter. Fight him pretty much where he is so that you are equal distance from either side of the room. The named ha...
12-07-2012, 04:57 PM by Demilitch
These two dragons are in the final room in VP. Phara Dar is up on the platform and the Shade of Khalan Dar is down on the floor. You will require two tank groups for this fight. To start the fight just run into the room as a raid. Have the main tank group grab and hold onto Phara Dar while the o...
02-04-2009, 06:44 PM by Mindeen
Qxectus is quite annoying. The main jist of the fight is that you will have to do this encounter with a constant stream of adds, and you will have to keep moving every 20 seconds or so. When you enter his room you will notice there are two statues in this room. This is a key part of the fight. T...
12-27-2009, 06:48 AM by EQ-Raiders
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