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Have off-tank or other non-healer/non-dps remove the shield to his room with the clicky thing you get from the adventure group chest. Have the MT with his back to the wall directly across from the corridor to the room. The rest of the raid should be down the side corridor, with MT healers at heal r...
01-24-2009, 03:58 PM by
Mikill is actually a rather easy fight once you discover what to do to beat him. His AOE's are not that special but you do need to mindful of his Trauma AOE. This needs to be cured right away. If you do not have a Shaman in each group you will want to joust this AOE if you tend to die from it. Y...
02-22-2011, 08:49 AM by EQ-Raiders
This encounter requires some coordination but is not difficult to execute. AEs: The first thing to note is the big physical AE lands shortly after pull and needs to be jousted thereafter. Other AEs include an Elemental and an Arcane but aren't particularly damaging, they just need to be cured. C...
10-26-2009, 05:59 PM by Superlative
Farstride Unicorn comes complete with two small Fay Drakes which are also Epic Adds. The Drakes will remove all your buffs so this fight can get a little tricky. Have the stronger of your tanks grab the drakes and pull them atleast 100 meters away from the rest of the raid force. The secondary ta...
01-03-2008, 12:07 PM by EQ-Raiders
Arkatanthis The Destroyer is the Hard Mode encounter when you do not prevent Xilaxis from calling for help. The encounter is not as difficult as many make it out to be. Since SOE fixed the curse selections this encounter is much more manageable. You will need to split off your MT group from the r...
09-21-2010, 08:55 PM by EQ-Raiders
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