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Haggle Baron Klok - Kurns x2 Setup This is the first named encounter in the zone. Make sure to clear all the trash on the first floor before engaging him. Setup dead center of the room between the two large fire pits, then pet pull him to this spot. Bubbles of Protection While fighting...
05-31-2010, 08:50 PM by Mindeen
This fight is all about sustaining DPS with minimal available power. Bring a chanter, a GOOD chanter. And power gear, put on anything you have that procs power, better if it procs to the whole group. Fight starts out simple enough, just a strait boss with a somewhat extreme knockback. Your tank ...
11-02-2010, 03:27 PM by Sude
Elder Ekron is the giant Wurm located just prior to Druushk. The way the mob works is fairly simple. The mob is a standard tank and spank with a little twist between 70% and 30%. Most raids will pull this mob to the wall just in front the stone stairway. Proceed to kill from this point on. Wh...
08-11-2008, 06:52 AM by EQ-Raiders
There are two parts to this fight. The first part takes place on the south side of the bridge and the second part on the north side of the bridge. He will cast two abilities, one every 30 seconds. To prevent your raid from dying to them, you will need to kill books. Psychotic books block the P...
01-03-2008, 10:27 AM by Vizshus
Argos is the main named in 'The Menagerie' encounter in MMP. He is a three headed dog and only fought if your raid chooses to not fight Miragul. Once the adds are down Argos is a pushover. He just has alot of HP. The other mobs and abilities are: Eesaad the Fierce Two abilities all of which are...
01-05-2010, 11:11 PM by EQ-Raiders
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