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Hoshkar is a fun fight or could be considered too easy. When you approach his lair you will notice he is surrounded by lava but there is a floating rock platform circling him. If your raid jumps on the rock you will notice a message on the screen saying the you feel an aura of protection around yo...
09-22-2008, 11:07 PM by EQ-Raiders
Spawns lvl 70 ^^^ adds that autoattack for cold damage and are immune to cold damage. Alzid also casts fear probably every minute or so. Adds spawn throughout the fight, and will split into two if you don't kill them fast enough. Have the secondary tank grab the adds when they spawn, and immed...
01-04-2008, 10:41 AM by EQ-Raiders
Final named encounter in Brokenskull Bay
10-14-2015, 11:24 PM by Praetorian
Uthtak the Cruel / Aktar the Dark is the second encounter in the Temple of Kor-Sha. This encounter unfortunately does not give loot, it instead gives you the small box required to activate the statue encounter (3rd one). There is a golem to the right when you enter this room. Pull it out of the r...
02-05-2009, 07:07 PM by Mindeen
Qunard Ashenclaw is activated by clicking the small mound in the middle of the room where he is flying above. When done so you will get a message that "Buzzing Errupts all around you". You will then be swarmed by a few waves of Heroic bees. They dont have much HP so burn them down. After about a...
09-22-2008, 10:59 PM by EQ-Raiders
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