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Spawns lvl 70 ^^^ adds that autoattack for cold damage and are immune to cold damage. Alzid also casts fear probably every minute or so. Adds spawn throughout the fight, and will split into two if you don't kill them fast enough. Have the secondary tank grab the adds when they spawn, and immed...
01-04-2008, 10:41 AM by EQ-Raiders
Common Strategy: The instance that contains Harla Dar is the same as SoS / Temple, but is only the section with the gorg pit / platform (where Harla Sits). There are tons of trash mobs including drakotas, lizards, and droags. HD continuously calls for aid during the fight, which will bring any tr...
03-15-2008, 04:15 PM by EQ-Raiders
On the pull Hragdold will cast Clawstorm almost instantly and every 10 seconds until adds pop. This AoE drains about 15% power every three seconds. It also does a fair amount of physical damage so healers must be able to cure it. Roughly 1 minute into the fight four adds will spawn; one of each a...
07-17-2011, 08:29 PM by Sanction
Rathgar is a pure DPS fight plain and simple. 30 seconds into the fight and then one minute or so afterwards he will one shot your tank. Rathgar will gain one adventure level every time he kills someone. If he reaches level 99 he will one shot every single person he targets. This means you need a...
07-17-2010, 05:13 AM by EQ-Raiders
When you pull Ambassador Grindstone (Elemental Avalanche and Powertap AoEs) he will call a bull to his side by the name of Kanogan (Elemental Stampede AoE). You will want to tank these apart or they will become more powerful. However not too far apart because Kanogan can mem wipe and there are adds...
08-21-2011, 04:59 PM by Sanction
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