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Haladan Moonrunner is a very simple fight to work with. First someone in your raid will want to bring a "Tinkered Beast Zapper" with you and activate this item in Haladan's room. This will completely make the encounter add free. When you pull the groups of wolves in his room, pull them out into t...
02-01-2010, 06:33 AM by EQ-Raiders
Z, U and A is a tricky encounter if your guild is not mostly HM geared from original DOV raid instances. The thing to watch out for on this encounter right away is 'Combat Madness'. This effect is a curse that lands on Scouts and Mages in your raid. It will always be present on someone in your r...
08-02-2011, 03:20 PM by Tomatoh
Five heroic adds spawn when you pull him. They are easy kills. Joust the named when the red message comes up on your screen. He does root himself like many other named with this ability. Addition From: Morphy00 and Twisted_Mentat Adds spawn ONLY if your next ...
05-26-2010, 01:33 AM by Geekyone
This is a fairly strait forward fight not requiring any special ACT, GC, or RH calls outs. Try and pull the roamer from behind him so that it does not add on someone during the encounter. Fight him pretty much where he is so that you are equal distance from either side of the room. The named ha...
12-07-2012, 04:57 PM by Demilitch
This named does not hit very hard. He has as 1 elemental ae that is 180 Front/rear, 9 - 15 - 200 meter range. Two adds are attached to the named on pull. Adds will spawn at 75% - 50% - 35%. First add is a Coldain no dmg aoe, but a small frontal knockback. Second add is a Wurm, that has incur...
02-22-2011, 08:53 AM by EQ-Raiders
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