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In the chess game before Corrival, you have to make checkmate on him in THREE moves, which means that the third and final move must be checkmate. That means do not move the bishop. If you fail to do so, its a raid wipe. Once you defeat him in chess, he comes out to fight you. He has a knockback...
05-28-2010, 07:56 AM by
Zaos is just a tad bit harder than Tuluun. He has an additional Trauma AOE that hits a bit rougher if your raid doesnt have high crit mit. Burn his adds down fast. Now the script with Zaos is that he will begin Crushing a member of your raid party. This is usually the tank. When this happens th...
02-05-2010, 09:18 AM by EQ-Raiders
The best spot to place your raid is directly behind him on one tight spot, preferably right in the middle of the room. 10-15 sec into the fight a person gets cursed, that person needs to stop attacking the named or die very fast. A reflection of that person will pop, hitting hard and memwiping fr...
03-17-2011, 06:14 AM by EQ-Raiders
Qxectus is quite annoying. The main jist of the fight is that you will have to do this encounter with a constant stream of adds, and you will have to keep moving every 20 seconds or so. When you enter his room you will notice there are two statues in this room. This is a key part of the fight. T...
12-27-2009, 06:48 AM by EQ-Raiders
Dozekar is a pretty fun fight and reminds alot of players of the large open encounter like Toxxulia. This fight is not like Toxxulia though. Dozekar has two main AOE abilities to watch out for. Cursed Flames by far does more damage and can spike higher on those closer to the dragon than Infernal ...
04-26-2012, 09:09 AM by EQ-Raiders
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