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Eats your Legs. Does 45% damage instead of the normal 10% after being killed by him This is a triggered spawn using the items given to you from the hailable Froglok in the zone (the one you open up via the weapon rack). He spawns in the center of the same room that houses The Elemental Warder. ...
01-04-2008, 06:01 AM by EQ-Raiders
The basic strategy is to multi-tank to counter the mem-wipe, max-out poison resist, and make sure the rest of the raid foce avoids the frontal AoE's by standing under his rear legs. Also, be sure to group cure noxious to get rid of the Soul Evisceration, otherwise you'll be hit by the other AoE. H...
01-03-2008, 10:42 AM by EQ-Raiders
This named comes with 3 types of ae's from what I can tell. They all seem to be dots that should be cured, and a frontal that if you get in front and are squishy you might get splat. All ae's I would recomment being at least 9 meters away when they go off. They are all ranged based. First ae Se...
02-14-2010, 08:11 AM by Galvin
The name itself is pretty straight forward with one elemental AoE on a 20 second recast and needs the mage confidence debuff. At certain time intervals the name will port to the center area and pop a bubble the size of the circle in the center and clear all effects, including the confidence debuf...
08-07-2011, 04:46 PM by Sanction
This mob is very simple but can be tricky with the detrimental effect. This is the first mob to aggro your party when you get too close to Toxxulia. The trick with this fight is that you will get one person in your raid party with a completely black screen every 30 seconds or so. It says you need...
02-05-2010, 08:57 AM by freddo1083
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