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Trajin Cedon is a very easy encounter compared to Kage-Zonn that you just did. You can not kill his adds before him so just concentrate all your burn on the named. If you kill his adds you may infact live but he does a Harm Touch type hit each time you kill his add. If you can heal through it, go...
04-25-2010, 12:45 PM by EQ-Raiders
Dreadlord is the easiest mob in the zone. A real tank and spank but he does have some interesting abilities. Raids usually tank him in a small corner spot around the building from him to deal with his large knockback AOE. Healers also need to cure the Noxious effects otherwise if the two AOE's s...
10-13-2008, 06:18 AM by EQ-Raiders
- As of LU24, the stunning blaze is the biggest threat. - Auto attacks are actually mana drains for ~10 points. - The constructed man-at-arms adds can be killed easily with AoE spells. The fighter class adds will taunt. If your MT can take it and you have good cures, a single tank can handle it...
01-04-2008, 06:04 AM by EQ-Raiders
This mob was a little tougher than Sparerib, we pulled him down the ramp half way to the flat area so there were no line of sight issues. Once down focus on damage, the named will have 2 power drain abilities a curse and a hate dump. He will also periodically port to different members of your raid. ...
07-02-2011, 12:51 PM by Edrickx
Umzok is pretty straight forward. Joust his Trauma aoe and get that DPS up. Umzok pretty much needs to die within 5-6 minutes. Upon killing Ozyk you will notice that you will get a Shard of Reversal Energy from that ghost ogre near the entrance to the next room. This shard needs to be used on th...
12-27-2009, 07:49 AM by EQ-Raiders
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