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First thing to note about this name is the NPC at the back left corner of the room when you enter; second thing to note is namer does not have a knock back as this might change positioning of MT and raid. Pull the name and begin to burn to 90% at which point the unattackable NPC will become acti...
02-22-2011, 08:53 AM by EQ-Raiders
Ire and Malevolence must be tanked by 3 different classes. Warrior, Crusader and Brawler. Every minute or so both mobs will give an emote to which class will be able to maintain aggro against them. Below are the emotes and what happens when someone else is their target. Ire: "Brawling insects, ...
10-13-2008, 05:38 AM by EQ-Raiders
First thing to know about this encounter is that this encounter is easily beaten by killing the Princes in a certain order. The order typically is Urbaniok, Kulkak and then Strixus. Small adds will spawn during the encounter that do randomly taunt players. Make sure to have target macro's set up ...
03-15-2008, 04:37 PM by EQ-Raiders
Ikatiar is very similar to Mystikus Terrorwing for those who have been in Tallon's Stronghold in Drunder. For the guilds that have killed Mystikus Terrorwing this mob will be very easy to understand. The only difference with this mob is that the named does not leave while you kill the adds (in t...
04-26-2012, 07:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
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