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You must keep Baraka's HP within 5% of Siyamak's or you will cause the zone-wide Supernova AE to go off.
01-05-2008, 09:50 AM by EQ-Raiders
You must keep Baraka's HP within 5% of Siyamak's or you will cause the zone-wide Supernova AE to go off.
01-05-2008, 09:52 AM by EQ-Raiders
Gynok Moltar and his four linked companions are in-active until the encounter is started by clicking the wall sconce in the small room adjacent to Gynok. At that point all five mobs become aggro. This, until you have it on farm anyway, is a two tank encounter. 1st Tank Group handles Gynok: Group...
08-28-2009, 09:02 AM by Superlative
Anashti Sul is the final mob in Palace of the Ancient One. The encounter is in two stages, the first being a ring event which begins when you cross the threshhold in to her chamber. Ring Event: In order to understand the encounter I'll briefly outline the lay out of the room. It's circular in sha...
10-26-2009, 05:44 PM by Superlative
Zarrakon is a tricky encounter which can involve a lot of luck until you have it on farm. You need four tank groups with a decent amount of DPS in each. Groups should generally consist of 2 healers, a tank, bard, chanter and a DPS - including the MT group. The nastiest AE he has is the nox which ...
08-28-2009, 09:19 AM by Superlative
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