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When you pull Ambassador Grindstone (Elemental Avalanche and Powertap AoEs) he will call a bull to his side by the name of Kanogan (Elemental Stampede AoE). You will want to tank these apart or they will become more powerful. However not too far apart because Kanogan can mem wipe and there are adds...
08-21-2011, 04:59 PM by Sanction
Saalax is a big Burn and big heal fight. It would be ideal to have three tanks for this fight but you can do it with two with enough dps. Saalax mem-wipes quite often so you will want to have two tanks fighting for his aggro. The adds that come with Saalax are basically two smaller copies of him...
02-03-2011, 11:29 PM by Galvin
The Paldar Bladesoul encounter requires alot of AOE dps and decent single target dps. You need decent AOE dps to handle the 5 total kinds of adds you will get throughout the fight and you will need good single target dps to make sure you are getting one specific add down in time. There are two k...
09-19-2012, 06:02 AM by EQ-Raiders
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