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Torrent can be blocked but is also ranged based. If you are out atleast 25+ meters it hits much less. When he drops the black circle just move your raid and him away from it. Best to keep him tanked in the same vicinity as his spawn. Just move left and right and avoid it like a red text joust....
11-26-2013, 04:47 AM by EQ-Raiders
Raid members must be within 17m of Named/Adds as much as possible. Trauma based AoE - Runic Vortex. Happens roughly the same time the adds pop (every 45s). Adds will spawn that need to be killed. They will pop the top of the room entrance ramp, or bottom of the room exit ramp. Curse called Clean...
11-26-2013, 04:42 AM by Cheesy
Normal Zarrakon 2.0. 3 Pools, blue, yellow, red. 3 Visions, blue, yellow and blurry. Blue = Blue Pool Yellow = Yellow Pool Blurry = Red Person with vision is given an incurable trauma so you can remind them to do it... If they do not make it to the pool, an add is spawned. If they run to t...
05-06-2013, 08:01 AM by Ebofu
Mikill is actually a rather easy fight once you discover what to do to beat him. His AOE's are not that special but you do need to mindful of his Trauma AOE. This needs to be cured right away. If you do not have a Shaman in each group you will want to joust this AOE if you tend to die from it. Y...
02-22-2011, 08:49 AM by EQ-Raiders
Basic Strat; Pull mob. Burn Mob to 50% Mount Splits Tank Mount somewhere Take mount down to 20% ish HP. Go back to killing Named Named ports up out of reach around 10% ish - Will pop red circle on random raid member, must move out of it, or you will die and heal named 5% per death. Kill Mount Name...
11-26-2013, 04:46 AM by EQ-Raiders
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