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You will want at least 2 places laid out for your tank and raid to move between. About 30 seconds into the fight two 'totems of silence' will spawn on your raid. This is when you will want to move to your second point. I believe the totems spawns every 45 seconds so just move to your next point...
07-17-2011, 08:54 PM by Sanction
Ok this mob is more complicated than the first two, but once you get the hang of it you should enjoy it. First thing, this mob requires two tanks, and you'll need 1-2 ppl to pull adds to the raid. You will notice that Sara is in a little room to the side of a larger circular room. This circular ro...
03-09-2010, 12:58 AM by Galvin
This fight breaks into new encounters as you kill it. The Segmented Rumbler turns into 2 Bisected Rumblers and each of the Bisected Rumbler adds turn into 3 Trisected Rumblers. The first group of Trisected Rumblers you kill will summon The Earthen Rumbler at the end. You only need to kill the one ...
01-03-2008, 11:09 AM by EQ-Raiders
Getting to the Matron involves battling through a ring event. To start the event the non-agro The Overseer of Change must be up. He is located roughly at -40, 10, 365 in Mystic Lake. Round 1: The Overseer of Change (74x4) When you click 'knock on wood' he turns agro and spawns 3 twisted ro...
01-04-2008, 09:17 PM by EQ-Raiders
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