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This encounter requires some coordination but is not difficult to execute. AEs: The first thing to note is the big physical AE lands shortly after pull and needs to be jousted thereafter. Other AEs include an Elemental and an Arcane but aren't particularly damaging, they just need to be cured. C...
10-26-2009, 05:59 PM by Superlative
Miragul is a cure fight plain and simple. Chances are at level 80 you will need atleast 2 healers per group or a bad ass inquisitor with their mythical in one group. Miragul has 3 very powerful AOE's that must be jousted by most everyone in your raid save for your MT's. Try to get all your resist...
01-25-2010, 06:38 AM by EQ-Raiders
Has several mistbound vindicator adds that share some of the abilities. You can mow these down with AoE spells. The Elemental Warder uses the same Invalidation ability that others in the zone use. It's a giant mit/stat debuff that needs to be cured immediately or your tank will probably get one-s...
01-04-2008, 06:08 AM by EQ-Raiders
Ferti and Clodae are almost the opposite of the first encounter in this zone. You will want to pull both of the mobs together and hold them in the corner. We had two tanks (one on each named). The mobs will swap tanks now and again (think Ire/Mal in SoH). If you seperate the mobs they will gain pote...
06-28-2011, 04:15 AM by Edrickx
About 10 waves to this ring event. Dreadweavers AE with Dreadwake. Joust or AE block. Recruits Target Lock and cause a drop target. Arch Dragoon's Cast a Cure or blow up the raid curse. 1 group 1 group 2 groups 1 group 1 group 2 groups 1 group 1 group 2 groups 2 Commanders with 2 Arch Dragoon's ...
11-26-2013, 04:47 AM by Demilitch
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