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Pyrelord and Controller is one of the more straight forward fights in this zone. You will want to make sure that your raid has SINGULAR FOCUS on for at least the first part of this fight. You will want to burn down the Controller first. The Controller spawns little fire adds that will taunt your ...
11-26-2013, 04:48 AM by EQ-Raiders
Kerridicus Searskin is the second raid encounter in Altar of Malice. Tank and spank mob for the most part. Mob will spawn a Lava Titan that must be killed quickly. While the Lava Titan is up, Kerridicus Searskin is invulnerable. Mob will also spawn 3-4 unstable Lava Globules that when killed wil...
12-20-2014, 02:08 AM by EQ-Raiders
Demetrius Crane is about just as hard as Dreadlord. Straight tank and spank again. Everyone can feel free to pile on this mob if they wish or take a standard melee in close and mages distanced. Crane will mem wipe just like Dreadlord only Crane will mem wipe to Healers instead of Mages. Crane...
10-13-2008, 06:47 AM by EQ-Raiders
Senior Loyalist Tilas is the first named encounter you will find in TotMC. This mob is largely tank and spank. He comes with 2 Epicx4 adds which can hit pretty hard but are largely beefed up Heroic adds. Tilas has been known to do a large AOE at times that is currently undetermined what causes ...
12-22-2008, 07:04 PM by EQ-Raiders
First named in Vigilant. He is pretty much a tank and spank as he has no knock back or magic damage. He has a 360 degree raid wide "Shred" aoe, this seems to be piercing damage and can be healed through with out too much trouble. He also has a curable elemental root that does no damage. The mob do...
04-23-2010, 06:35 AM by
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