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Senior Loyalist Tilas is the first named encounter you will find in TotMC. This mob is largely tank and spank. He comes with 2 Epicx4 adds which can hit pretty hard but are largely beefed up Heroic adds. Tilas has been known to do a large AOE at times that is currently undetermined what causes ...
12-22-2008, 07:04 PM by EQ-Raiders
Yitzik the Hurler still has the same knockback that made the encounter a joy for tanks during Kingdom of sky. So plan your strategies accordingly. One thing of note for placing him is that he must be fought above ground. If you pull Yitzik to the ground to avoid the knockback he will summon a m...
06-26-2014, 04:05 AM by EQ-Raiders
He has a lot of attached adds that can be mowed down pretty easily. The issue with G is the amount of damage caused by his spellcast dumbfire pets. Notes about the targeted summoned pets: - Killing them heals Gnorbl. - Attempts at curing the arcane effect (the pets) were unsuccessful - They can...
01-04-2008, 08:54 PM by EQ-Raiders
Everyone piles up under her rear end. Engage and Burn. AE tanks grab any adds that swarm in. Ignore them and burn the named. The named burrows into the ground. Have OT's or scouts pull in all the groups of centipedes that spawn. Burn them all and once they are all dead she will unburrow. (Whi...
07-16-2012, 01:34 PM by Sanction
Haephaus is like a version of The Clockwork Menace. There are three forge areas near him. One behind him, one to the side of him and one in front of him. Here you will see three items. The items are Shield, Armor and Weapon. When you start the fight a timer will start. You will have 60 seconds...
09-03-2010, 06:59 AM by EQ-Raiders
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