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- The Martial advisor is very resistant to pysical damage - physical attacks will land for less than 25% of their usual damage. - The Magical advisor is very resistant to magical damage - magic attacks will land for less than 25% of their usual damage. Trick to this fight is to off tank the Prin...
01-03-2008, 11:00 AM by EQ-Raiders
First named in Vigilant. He is pretty much a tank and spank as he has no knock back or magic damage. He has a 360 degree raid wide "Shred" aoe, this seems to be piercing damage and can be healed through with out too much trouble. He also has a curable elemental root that does no damage. The mob do...
04-23-2010, 06:35 AM by
Comes with 4 Adds at start. They don't seem to follow conventional aggro patterns, be careful on pull with aggro. Adds can be killed via AE damage. Stacked on tank. Red text joust, EVERYONE must joust, otherwise 30s of No Hostiles + No Beneficials. Adds will memwipe shortly after first red text (If...
11-26-2013, 04:42 AM by EQ-Raiders
Krastas is Melee only: Any type of spell damage or debuff will deal massive damage back to you. Some ae proc abilities count as a spell. Keep an eye on what abilities you use or you may die alot. Odaufe is Caster only: Any type of melee will deal massive damage back to you. Once again check your ...
06-15-2010, 09:52 PM by Khatiru
He has a minor heal-over-time that he casts on himself that heals 2,500 damage or so total. More information is needed.
03-15-2008, 05:20 PM by EQ-Raiders
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