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Attached to the Overlord. This encounter can spawn Brixx, Borxx, Braxx if done wrong. It is best to split tank this encounter. On the pull, the MT should agro the guardians, and then single taunt Pkzwk when he's in range. At the same time, the secondary tank should Rescue pull Overlord Oxulius ...
01-04-2008, 09:13 PM by EQ-Raiders
You need to split your raid into two groups. Two on Barakah and two on Siyamak. Barakah needs to be tanked in the light and Siyamak tanked in the dark. No one can stand in the middle of the room on the sun. If you do you will cause a zone wide AOE fail. You must have two groups in the light sid...
07-26-2013, 10:46 PM by hathahrk
This fight breaks into new encounters as you kill it. The Segmented Rumbler turns into 2 Bisected Rumblers and each of the Bisected Rumbler adds turn into 3 Trisected Rumblers. The first group of Trisected Rumblers you kill will summon The Earthen Rumbler at the end. You only need to kill the one ...
01-03-2008, 11:09 AM by EQ-Raiders
Milyex Vioren is the second boss encounter found on the second wing. Milyex is found flying around are small circular platform with 5 Generators and his Iksar Mechanic. The generators are as follows: diamond -- northwest ruby -- north sapphire -- east opal -- west emerald -- southeast Sta...
09-21-2008, 07:26 PM by EQ-Raiders
Haldane is a pretty straight forward encounter. First you should know that this zone requires hard mode raid spec's in order to perform well in it. Your raid should be at or above 200% Critical Mitigation to even make the AOE's manageable. The encounter does first start with three mobs. Haldan...
06-17-2011, 04:32 AM by EQ-Raiders
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