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Anything you can bring to this fight for fear immunity and power regen will be a huge help. Set up two points for your tanks to joust to and from for the red message. This is not one that can be death saved as it will continue to hit until the player dies. You will also want a spot for raid mem...
10-24-2012, 12:56 AM by Sanction
Before engaging Silverwing have the raid stand outside the room. Have the monk/bruiser disband and a pet class that can feign death (spell or tinker item) disband also. The monk should have the wrench from the Taskmaster's room. Have them go around and disable all the machines they can without ag...
02-04-2009, 07:37 PM by Mindeen
Kreeger is a very simple fight if you remember one important thing. Your raid must stay within 15 meters of him. 10-15 meters is the ideal spot to stand from him. His AOE's hit harder closer than 9 meters and beyond 15 meters. Stay in this sweet spot and you will take the minimal amount of damage du...
02-22-2011, 08:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
Zarda and Kodux is the second last encounter in the Temple of Kor-Sha. Before engaging make sure you have cleared all the wandering adds. Make sure to kill the assassins that are hidden in the waterfalls. And finally make sure you have killed the golems in each room of the names. Split your raid...
02-05-2009, 07:28 PM by Mindeen
Ikatiar is very similar to Mystikus Terrorwing for those who have been in Tallon's Stronghold in Drunder. For the guilds that have killed Mystikus Terrorwing this mob will be very easy to understand. The only difference with this mob is that the named does not leave while you kill the adds (in t...
04-26-2012, 07:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
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